February Astrology Forecast
A time for movement, a time for romance. A time for harsh reality checks and mind-blowing moments. A time for envisioning and expressing, a time for drifting and dreaming… and so much more.
January Astrology Forecast
We start the month off with a bang and end it with all planets moving forward again (wahoo!). Planets buzz through Aquarius and a prominent Uranian energy leave us on our toes, wondering what (or who) will reveal itself.
December Astrology Forecast
Times of confusion, times of inspiration, a returned energy, an edgy full moon, a retrograde Mercury and a whole lot more!
November Astrology Forecast
This month brings times of foggy confusion, out-of-this-world profound insights, tension points and dreaming unabashedly, with the potential for a whole lot of fuuuuuuun and magic as three celestial bodies enter fun-loving Sagittarius.
October Astrology Forecast
Planets moving forwards and others backwards; voyages into the underworld and tension points of old vs. new. Dances of flirty fun and a solar eclipse - all this and much more this month!
September Monthly Forecast
Mercury retrograde, Neptunian waters and the changing of seasons
August Monthly Forecast
Disruptions, revelations, matters of the heart and the power of connection - a few of the themes in this month’s forecast
June Monthly Forecast
An inside look to the main astrological moments of this month - mercury stationing direct, planets going retrograde, changes of signs and seasons, with a healthy dose of aspects.
May Musings
A jam-packed astrological month - eclipses, retrogrades, conjunctions, oh my! Find out what it all means here…