October Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the October Astrology Forecast!
This month we have planets moving forward again, others moving backwards (the much anticipated Mars retrograde - more on that to come!). We have a tightening friction between maintaining the old ways and the possibility and potential of the new. And for the second half of the month we have a slow dance between Venus and the Sun. More on these overarching themes on the Patreon platform, including a calendar subscription with all the info below for only $3/month!
Read on for this month’s highlights!
Oct 1/2 Mercury stations direct
Mercury begins to station direct and the collective breathes a sigh of relief. However Mercury is in opposition to Neptune while he changes course in the sky, so communications, thoughts and words might still have a fogginess to them. Confusion and swirling mental chatter still abound - within our own minds and trying to express ourselves to others. Tread water lightly, give yourself (and others) ample compassion as we still wait for the waters to settle and we feel the forward momentum again.
Oct 9/10 Pluto stations direct
While not as significant as an 'personal planet' retrograde (Mercury, Venus, Mars), Pluto completes his yearly retrograde and we return to our own excavation. To search for and forage our own wealth that lies within. To examine internal and external power dynamics. To allow what needs to be released to do so. And remember the potency that lies in rebirth.
Oct 9/10 Aries Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Oct 12 - Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces
Here we may feel our actions, our will, our drive, adrift. An aimlessness of where to direct our energy. A scatteredness of our attention. A slowness, a lethargy even, deep within - an overwhelming desire to curl up and take a week's long nap. We may feel a confusion or fogginess about our direction forward. Our soul's glorious dreams coming up against the inability to commit to them. So swim tenderly in these waters, this energy is prevalent for the week and is asking us to merge our dreams with the will to never give up on them.
Oct 19 - Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn
Our hero/heroine enters the depths of our own underworlds. Of the lands that scarcely see the glow of the sun. The beauty of life comes up against the harsh realities of being human. Aspects of our hidden selves - grief, shame, pain, rage, envy - companions on our journey in this life, may bubble to the surface appearing from nowhere. Our Self meets its shadow and remembers its courage to hold its gaze. Tenderly. Lovingly. And watches while it transforms into magnificent power and internal wealth.
Oct 20 - Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn
We continue the voyage into the depths from yesterday and look through Venus' eyes. Our relationships with others, our relationship to joy and pleasure, our creativity are examined ruthlessly. What we haven't wanted to look at, admit, makes itself known. Confidence and self-worth may feel as fragile as a petal. Intense longings meets the fear of them not being met. Flare ups of jealousy and rage and grief may even appear. So, too, are renewed and reborn relationships to our own worth, our own power, our own inherent beauty. And how to share it gracefully with the world.
Oct 22/23 - Venus in Libra conjunct Sun in Libra
Having danced intimately with each other all week (and continuing to do so for the rest of the month), today Venus and the Sun join together exactly. Get real up close and personal - think slow and sensual Dirty Dancing style ;) We shine a light on the beauty of the world, the beauty of being ourselves in the world. We remember the ease and grace that lies within each of us, always. Relationships come into the spotlight and want our attention. We cloak our days, ourselves, our relationships in the romantic, rose-scented, soft pink light of a setting sunset and remember that pleasure and love are not a luxury, they are a birth right. They are our essence.
Oct 23 - Venus enters Scorpio
After her sensual stint in her home sign, Venus leaves the topside world of flowers and flirty fun to enter the depths of Scorpio. To wade through the waters of our deepest, most intense feelings and desires. To feel the loss of control that comes with intense longing, intense cravings for passion - and to have the courage and power to sit with it. Here we require depth to our relationships, to seek out substance; to go beyond the surface level and crave connection on a soul level that goes beyond mere words - permeating your entire body.
Sun enters Scorpio
Following right on the heels of Venus, the Sun enters Scorpio to balance the sometimes frivolous nature of Libra season. We leave the ascension of airy Libra to descend into the depths of our soul. Of the inner workings of our psyche. Of the secret parts of ourselves only the lucky few are privy to. Here we remember that so much more goes on beyond what the eye can see - internally, externally. That there are worlds of subtle energies waiting to be felt. Acknowledged. Remembered. That our own inner shaman is waiting to be felt. Acknowledged. Remembered. Embrace the depths, they are our source of deep nourishment.
Oct 24 - Saturn stations direct
Saturn wraps up its retrograde through Aquarius to move us towards looking at where we want to get back to work. What systems are supporting us, what structures need an overhaul. A collective transit (not a personal one), we may not have been feeling this impact greatly, but Saturn likes to forge ahead, slowly and patiently like the methodical mountain goat, so it’s back to climbing our personal mountains we go.
Oct 25 - New Moon in Scorpio (solar eclipse) - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Oct 27 - Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn
Today the guide of the souls leads us compassionately back into the underworld. He holds our hand as we meet the thoughts, the stories, the conversations that may feel intense. Dark. Scary. He holds our hand through meeting the three-headed dog at the gate, barking at us with relentless criticisms, self-doubts, fears. Only to steadily move past and enter the magnificent world of our own incredible potential lying beyond - if we can only stay the course and remember how fleeting words, thoughts and inner stories really are. How beyond the gate is where our true power awaits us.
Oct 28 - Jupiter retrograde enters Pisces
Still retrograde, Jupiter returns to his home sign of Pisces. Here Jupiter replenishes us with dreamy waters after its fiery stint in Aries. Here until December 20th, Jupiter in Pisces is asking us to remember the power and potency of our dreams. To swim in the waters of our biggest desires. To use the dreaminess, the softness, the magnificence available to bring magic back to our lives. To the world. To hold the poet to the same esteem as the politician. To hold our invisible dreams to the same worth as the facts of reality. To hold our deepest, most magical, wildest desires as the substance of who we truly are.
Oct 29 - Mercury enters Scorpio
Here Mercury likes to play the detective. Always watching, always listening to what's not being said, Mercury is determined to get to the bottom of things. Here our conversations take on more depth, more intensity. No more Libra glitter covering our words, here Mercury will say what it needs to say, when it needs to say it. And that's that. With the potency of a stinger, it may shock others, even ourselves, with its directness. Sometimes even harshness. So remember that your words, your thoughts can sting deeper than you may realize. But that doesn't mean they don't need to be said.
Oct 31 - Mars stations Retrograde - stay tuned for a super exciting workshop to guide you through this Mars Retrograde - which only happens every two years!
Have a beautiful, wonderful, confusing, chaotic, awe-inspiring, glorious month!
Xx Faye