December Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the December Astrology Forecast!

This month brings the changing of seasons, of driftiness and dreaminess with a dash of fogginess and confusion; with the potential for sudden insights and flash revelations, and with a renewed commitment to get to work. It also brings the much anticipated return of Jupiter to Aries (and a newfound energy), and the slightly less sought after Mercury retrograde at the end of the month. Read on and enjoy!

Dec 1/2 - Mercury in Sag squares Neptune Rx in Pisces

Thoughts and words may have a fogginess to them. Miscommunications can drift about as words get lost at sea. We may have trouble expressing ourselves, we may have trouble understand where another is coming from. Or we may drift into our own internal landscapes and dream the dreams unabashedly, allowing our thoughts to be our internal compass pointing us forward.

Dec 3/4 - Neptune stations direct

Having been retrograde since June, Neptune begins to move forward again through his home waters of Pisces. Being a transpersonal planet, these retrogrades are often felt less in our personal lives. But anytime a planet begins to move forward again, so does that energy. A renewed momentum to our dreams may start to simmer again. A desire to connect deeply and dreamily to others, to something higher than ourselves, to our Selves, begins to permeate our being. Perfect time for the holidays!

Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces

As Neptune stations direct, Venus squares the planet of unbounded love, of dreams, of fantasies - the ones that support us, and the ones that don't. Romantic fantasies and desires may sweep into our lives. Unbridled love affairs want centre stage. So can not feeling met in our relationships, or a burning desire for more freedom. We may confuse reality with the hue of rose-coloured glasses, leaving us wondering what is true and what isn't.

Dec 6/7 - Mercury enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn and wants to get to work. Wants to take the insights and revelations learned in Sagittarius and ground them in reality. There is a commitment here to the path ahead that Mercury - planet of communication, of the mind - wants to help us with. Want to write that book? Respond to the unanswered emails of the last year? This is the time! There is a focus to our thoughts and communications that wants to be expressed here. But enjoy it while it lasts as Mercury goes retrograde (again???) towards the end of the month.

Dec 7/8 - Gemini Full Moon (conjunct Mars retrograde) - stay tuned for the moon musing!

Dec 9/10 - Venus enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn and finds pleasure in taking things slow, savouring each methodical step at a time. About creating structures in our lives that support us and what we value most. About assessing the relationships that make us feel secure and supported versus those that don't. Venus in Capricorn is less about romance and glittery beauty and more about making sure we have the structures and resources in place to prioritize what brings joy and pleasure into our lives - which may just be organizing that filing cabinet .

Dec 14 - Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces

Wait.. where am I going? What path am I on? Is it bedtime yet? Today the sun squares Neptune and we return to the ever-changing Neptunian waters that can leave us feeling adrift, confused, even a bit hopeless. A weighty blanket of fog that beckons us to just lay down in the field of poppies and go to sleep. A temporary pause in our hero/heroine's journey as we meet a threshold and are not sure which way to go. So... just pause. Sit down while looking ahead with awe and wonder and wait for the fog to pass. It inevitable will and leave you with renewed faith to keep walking the path.

Dec 17 - Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus

Flash insights, buzzing energy and 'a-ha!' moments may be felt today. Conversations that rock your world (for better or worse) may take centre stage. A day to pay attention to the messages, to the signs, that are wanting to come through from another, a song, a bird. A day to speak your truth no matter how far out there or unconventional it may seem, grounding your words in reality. A day that supports connecting with those in your chosen tribe.

Dec 20 - Jupiter reenters Aries

And he's BACK! Having left his home realm of Pisces, Jupiter returns to Aries (for good this time) and wants to GO FOR IT! Wants to forge ahead with lightening speed (and sometimes a little too much urgency ;) ), ready to burst on the scene. Jupiter in Aries reminds us of the power we all hold as our individual selves. Uniquely us. Powerfully us. We are encouraged to lead from what lights us up, what fills our bones with passion, what reignites our desire to make our mark in this world. In Aries until May, now's the time to use this cardinal, starter energy for new beginnings and creations, especially in the house that Jupiter is transiting through in your chart.

Dec 21/22 - Sun enters Capricorn (Winter/Summer Solstice)

The sun enters Capricorn and the Northern hemisphere experiences its shortest day of the year while the Southern experiences its longest. Either way it is a time of renewal. Of the hope that comes with the return of the light, with the energy of momentum that comes with its peak. It's no coincidence that the sun begins its journey through Capricorn now as we go through a period of assessment, renewal, and revival of what we are working towards in our lives. Of deepening our commitment to climbing our personal mountains. Of remembering our strength and perseverance to keep going, one step at a time. Remembering that time is a construct and we reach our mountain top in perfect timing.

Dec 22/23 - Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus

A day that beckons sudden insights and revelations into Venus' realm of love, relationships and joy. Of chance encounters and breaking through rigid, outdated patterns. Of shaking loose what is ready to be dislodged, of listening to another, to your heart, of what wants to materialize in this realm, in this life. Of waking up to the people and practices that truly encourage us to be our unique, awesome selves.

Dec 23 - Capricorn New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!

Dec 28 - Mercury in Capricorn stations Retrograde

And we're back! Mercury stations retrograde and we revisit and review all things Capricorn in our lives. In our minds. Is our inner taskmaster berating us? Do our words have a harshness or removed-ness that lacks the warmth another might crave? That you might crave? Are we rigid in our ways of thinking, in our thought patterns? Where, and how, do we build ourselves up through our words and thoughts? Retrogrades are profound times to slow down, to reflect, to reassess. To reevaluate the structures in our lives (especially in the house Mercury is transiting through). A perfect way to end the calendar year!

Have a wonderful month and happy holidays!!

Xx Faye


January Astrology Forecast


November Astrology Forecast