November Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the November Astrology Forecast!

The month starts off with a bang in the midst of eclipse season while on the heels on Mars turning retrograde. Energies (and sensitivities) are heightened as we navigate these celestial shifts and integrate them into our lives. This month brings times of foggy confusion, out-of-this-world profound insights, tension points and dreaming unabashedly, and the potential for a whole lot of fuuuuuuun and magic as three celestial bodies enter fun-loving Sagittarius. The Taurus Full Moon Eclipse is a powerful day, so read on below and stay tuned for the moon musing!

Nov 5/6 - Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Shockwaves, sensitivities and insights are the name of the game today. What may have become fixed or rigid gets dislodged. Relationships come into the spotlight and we may suddenly become painfully aware of what is bringing us pleasure and what (or who) isn't. There may feel the need to shake things up, dismantle the status quo, break free from what makes us feel trapped. A restlessness to change what isn't working in our lives, in our relationships. And the profound revelations of what is.

Nov 7 - Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius

Tension and constriction may be felt deeply today. The joys and pleasantries of life might feel subdued. We may feel more of a harshness, a critical eye glaring towards others who aren't meeting us where we need to be met. Where we aren't meeting ourselves. Our desires may run rampant but feel unacknowledged, our longings that feel frivolous. But here we remind ourselves of our own authority to change what needs to be changed, and with that sink into our innate power.

Nov 8 - Taurus Full Moon Eclipse - stay tuned for the moon musing!

Mercury conjunct Sun Scorpio (superior conjunction) opposite Uranus

A BIG astrological day! Happening on the same day as the Taurus full moon eclipse, Mercury meets up exactly with the Sun in the sky to shine the light on the themes we've been experiencing in Scorpio season. Opposite Uranus too, this is a day of sudden insights, a-ha moments and paying close attention to the messages that can be found all around us when we pay attention. There can be shakeups and 'out of the blue' moments. It can also be a day of heightened sensitivities, our nervous systems feeling overwhelmed and even on the fritz. It's a day that may want you going a bazillion miles a minute but the profound messages lie in finding the calm amidst the chaos.

Nov 11 - Sun in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius

Off the heels of the lunar eclipse, here we may feel our inner taskmaster being just a little too damn relentless. Looking over our lives, our choices, our path, with a removed dissociation that lacks the empathy we may crave. We may be met with our intense relentless psychological storylines about who we are, where we are, and if we have the resolve to keep going in the face of self-doubt. But these sentiments arise from the depths to test our strength, strengthen our resolve and solidify how committed we are to our own path.

Nov 16 - Venus enters Sagittarius

Let's have some fuuuuuun! After the depths of Scorpio, Venus enters Sag to take her harrowing insights and lessons from the underworld and shout them from the rooftop for anyone to listen to. Here Venus wants to prioritize the life-expanding, life-affirming pleasantries of being human. A need for the world to feel limitless make her ooze with pleasure. Here she seeks her relationships to have both meaning and excitement. She wants to feel free to express herself in whatever way she desires - usually with a hefty dose of laughter and fun ;)

Nov 17 - Mercury enters Sagittarius

Joining Venus hand in hand, Mercury enters Sagittarius to talk to anyone who's listening. To share the profound insights that will rock another's world. To have deep, meaningful conversations about the workings of the world and to create profound visions for the future. There's an excitement that Mercury feels here, of knowing we have something to say and being shameless in saying it! So... say it! Remember that you can enlighten someone through your words, you can expand someone, and your own, world by exploring all the possibilities that lie just beyond the horizon.

Nov 19 - Mars Rx Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces

Confusion may be the name of the game today. A driftiness and dreaminess that may leave us feeling like we're swimming in fog. An aimlessness to our words, our actions, our desires. Our fantasies of what is possible feeling out of reach. A feeling of not knowing up from down, left from right, and preferring to stay in bed until it’s figured out. It's a day to move tenderly, move slowly and wait for the fog to pass.

Nov 22 - Sun enters Sagittarius

Let's. fucking. GO! We enter Sag season and with it bring our renewed sense of meaning and inspiration after the depths of Scorpio. Here we want to explore, to understand, to bring meaning to the mundane. We want the world to be a never ending adventure of unlimited possibilities. We may want to stay up all night being the life of the party, or have philosophical debates that bend our notion of reality. We want to feel free in our actions, in our thoughts, in our lives. We want to climb our own personal mountains and marvel at the strength and resolve it took to get those heights. Let loose, have some fuuun! We come back down to reality soon enough in Capricorn season ;)

Nov 23/24 - Sagittarius New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!

Jupiter in Pisces stations direct

Having recently reentered Pisces, now Jupiter leaves his retrograde period to start his forward momentum again. The planet of abundance, of expansion (and also of excess!), we might feel a little more magic around us. We might even have more hope for the state of the world fill our days. A collective planet (not a personal one), Jupiter moves ahead in the last two degrees of Pisces to reinforce how much we need our dreams. How much the world needs our dreams. If there is ever a time to dream unabashedly, to let your wildest dreams and imaginings flourish unchecked, this is the time! Allow yourself the gift of putting no restraints on imagining what is possible in your life. Let your faery godmother/father hear them loud and clear <3

Have a beautiful month!

Xx Faye


December Astrology Forecast


October Astrology Forecast