July Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the July Astrological Forecast!

Here to give you an overview of some of the prevalent energies at play for the month. We got the feels, we got the depths, we got elation and sensitivity and we got everything in between. Don’t you just love astrology? ;)

So read on and remember - while I give insights and tidbits of the energies at play, they manifest in numerous and individualistic ways, so more than anything, tune into what you’re experiencing - that will guide you more into the astrological realm than anything else.

July 1/2

Mars squares Pluto 

We start the month off with a bang! There is a force to this aspect... to say the least. The two rulers of Scorpio in a tension point, we're faced with the usually hidden aspects - the dark underbelly - of ourselves. Of our surroundings. There may be outbursts, there may be outrage; there may be overwhelming desires and unmistakable truths emerging. Power dynamics may charge to the forefront - with others. Within ourselves. So watch your step, go mindfully. This would be the time to remind yourself - 'be careful when playing with fire.'

July 2

Mercury trines Saturn, Mercury squares Neptune

Still in the heat of yesterday's transit, Mercury, the messenger, wants to help us return from the underworld. Lift us back into the upper world so we can digest the information that begged for our attention. He wants to play between the fantastical stories we tell ourselves, and then give us a reality check to whether they lift us up or drag us down. What can be used for our growth rather than our victimhood. Communications with others might feel utterly productive or unbearably confusing. So again, go slowly, go mindfully. Get curious about where your communications are taking you. 

July 5

Mars enters Taurus, Mercury enters Cancer 

Having gone out with a fiery bang, Mars leaves his home sign of Aries to cool off in the earthy realm of Taurus. Here Mars wants to fight for what makes us feel safe, what makes us feel secure. Our inner warrior wants to make sure we have the things we need to feel comfortable in the physical realm. There is a slowness to this energy (maybe a relief after Aries?), a longing for things to feel settled, stable. An opportunity to find power through connecting deeply with the body in a slow and mindful way. Take this opportunity to remember the power that lies in slowing down. Just don't get stuck in the mud.

While Mars settles in the earth, Mercury enters the watery realm of Cancer. Having left his home domain of Gemini, Mercury in Cancer has a different feel. Now he wants us to listen to the information our bodies tell us, our feelings tell us, our gut tells us. Having left his airy realm of the intellect, in Cancer he wants us to remember the power of the lunar realm, of the memories and messages that live within our right brain - our feeling nature. Our felt-sense. So follow the messages of your dreams, of your intuition. Prioritize them as much as what the intellect is always hammering on about. Follow the messages of the instinctual self. 

July 13/14

Full Moon in Capricorn - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

July 14

Venus squares Neptune

Calling all fantasies, epic love affairs, and - delusions! This set up invokes the desire to live in the fantasy realm. The desire to merge with another so fully, so completely. To lose yourself in the romance of the world. To believe that everything you see actually is rose-coloured. But our grasp on reality miiiight be a little shaky. There is a dreamy driftiness to this energy that might leave you elated in bliss or confused in delusion. Take everything with a grain of salt today. Not all may appear as it seems - for better and for worse! 

July 16

Mercury conjunct Sun (superior conjunction) 

Here we pay special attention to the messages that are wanting to be bestowed on us. The insights that are itching to be heard. Revealed. These messages may arrive from another, from our writings, from our meditations, from our gut. We want to communicate how we feel, we want to be heard in how we're feeling. Use this day to listen to the call of your soul, to hear the messages of the invisible realms. And speak your truth fully and proudly - whether to another, the mirror or the written page. 

July 17/18

Venus enters Cancer 

Venus leaves the airy realm of Gemini to come into the feminine waters of Cancer. There is a deep emotional sensitivity here. No longer ruled by the mind in Gemini, Venus leads from an instinctual space. A felt-sense. A receptivity. Here she desires security - through the home, through family, through the sense of belonging. There is a gentleness to her here, a softness that wants to be felt tenderly. Allow yourself to be replenished by the powerful act of receiving as she drifts through these nourishing waters. 

July 18

Mercury opposite Pluto 

Today the Messenger of the Gods returns to the underworld. The only god allowed to enter, he fishes around for what is needing to be unearthed. He guides our soul to the places that want our attention - which doesn't always mean we want to go there. But today there is an ability to venture into our secret stories, our forbidden desires. It may feel like we've entered the underworld ourselves, we may have to writher in uncomfortable feelings, harsh conversations, unpleasant thoughts. But we find our wealth, we find our inherent power, every time we remember Mercury guides our soul exactly where it needs to go. 

July 19

Mercury enters Leo 

Enough of the feels, let's have some fuuuuun! Mercury enters Leo and wants to be HEARD! Front and centre stage, he's got things to say - and knows they're worth hearing! He feels special here, the divine messenger here to impart the wisdom of the gods. He listens to the messages of his heart and speaks them unabashedly. He shares the joyfulness and playfulness that it is to be alive. Here we get to be the important, ridiculously awesome communicator. Write those screenplays, go to that spoken word event you've been too cautious to attend. Here we are reminded that we all got shit to say - and really, who cares who's listening?! 

July 19/20

Sun opposite Pluto 

Here we are confronted with our own depths once again. Where hidden realms of ourselves are illuminated. Where we meet aspects of our own power, our truest potential - and where we are giving it up. We examine our relationship to control - and our resistance to relinquishing it. We may be confronted by areas of our life, our selves, that are in need of transformation. In need of a deep overhaul so that we can step into all we are meant to be. But when Pluto is involved, it doesn't necessarily mean that will be a gentle realization. We may feel pulled into the depths, wandering in our own personal underworlds that can often feel isolating, painful. Feelings emerging from the buried crevices that threaten to submerge us. But don't. But instead return us to the shore, empowered in our ability to stay the course. Finding our own hidden treasure that awaits us in those very crevices.

July 22/23

Sun enters Leo

Let's PLAY! Let's create! Let's have fuuuun! Having had its fair share of the feels, the sun moves into Leo to let our selves, and our hearts, expand. To feel the joy pour through us, to feel fantastically awesome and let it shinnnnnnnne! Here we remember the power and importance of play. Of the eternal awe-filled child that lives within each of us, desperate to throw paint colours across the wall, play hopscotch till the sun goes down, stay up till the sun comes up laughing and dancing. So rock on with your wonderously, incredibly special badass self! Be seen. Be heard. Be your entire self. 

July 28/29

New Moon in Leo - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Mercury squares Uranus (conjunct North Node/opposite South Node)

Shockwaves might run through our communications. Our nervous system. Revelations and insights might flood our minds. With Mercury squaring Uranus, information either soothes us or agitates us - depending on what we're receiving. We might have conversations with others that appear from seemingly nowhere - that either enlighten us or rattle us. But in connection to the nodes - our soul's journey (and past) - remember that whatever is coming to light, whatever has broken through to be heard, is ultimately for our soul's growth. Just watch the power of your tongue, use it wisely. And don't take any outbursts from others to heart. There might be shockwaves running through their systems. 

Have a great month!

Xx Faye


August Monthly Forecast


June Monthly Forecast