May Musings
Welcome to a new monthly newsletter!! (ok, half-monthly newsletter this month).
I realized recently what a nurturing balm it is to be able to read the astrology of the day whenever I'm thinking "what.the.fuck. is going on" and it provide context and meaning to what I'm experiencing. So now - it's time to share that gift with my favourite people!
This is a new monthly guide to - what the eff is going on?! So if you're having a day that just feels murky, your boss loses it on you for no reason, or you just want to curl up in a bath and cry for five hrs, let this be a resource that you can return to when you're wondering, well - what the eff is going on!
This is a half dose this month, but that definitely doesn't mean it's any less jam-packed! There would be an insanely overwhelming amount of info if I included all transits, so I'm hand picking the ones that I believe are most significant. And there will be some fun additions coming for the June edition, awww yeeeah.
Since this is the first go, I would love any feedback! What works, what you need, what could use a little fine tuning. Don't hold back! YOU are why I"m doing this! So I want to make sure it works for you.
Without further adieu.... let's go!
May 11
Jupiter enters Aries:
BOOOM! After a dreamy, elated, transcendent, foggy, confusing time in Pisces, Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in 12 years, bringing a punch, a determination, a drive for more. To do more, to be more, to show up more. It wants to light up the world with its presence, be seen fully for the I AM (...insert your unique ending).
Jupiter will spend the next year in Aries (with a brief dip back into the Piscean waters to cool off for a bit), so this is an energy we will be cultivating for the next year. Jupiter in Aries wants to do it all NOW, but remember there is a grace and power in patience. Maybe not exactly Aries' favourite word ;)
So if you're feeling a sudden burst of fire - of creativity, of passion, of anger, of agitation - remember that we're just sinking back into these fiery embers, it can take a little time to acclimatize as Jupiter begins the zodiac wheel again.
It can be helpful to look at the house that Aries rules in your chart, as Jupiter is the planet of abundance, of growth, of expansion, and.. excess! It's getting a once every 12 year washover. And if you have any planets in Aries, pay attention!
Mercury goes Retrograde (until June 3):
Yes, again! It's the meme and internet's favourite time of year - mercury retrograde! The trickster is out - he wants to play and stir things up, sometimes at mere mortals' expense. He reminds us to not take life too seriously. That disruptions are a part of life, that sometimes things don't always go according to plan. But how we respond, how we navigate, is what he's trying to teach us. Dare I say - maybe even with a little humour? ;)
While he starts his retrograde in his fav place, Gemini, potentially sending our minds on the fastest, spinniest rollercoaster, he sinks back into slower Taurus, giving us pause into what it's like when we connect our minds back to the wisdom of our bodies.
May 13
Sun conjunct North Node/opposite South Node:
We may feel an urge towards acting out old patterns - storylines and habits that keep us tethered to a version of ourselves that we know all too well. Yet... might not be fulfilling us in the same way.
We may feel a pull towards something deeper; something that is foreign, unfamiliar, potentially even terrifying, and yet... our soul pulls us closer. Knows the lessons that hold the key to our freedom lie there. Only asking us to be brave enough to listen. And maybe, just maybe, do what we thought we never were capable of doing.
May 15
Sun squares Saturn:
We push up against a wall here. Things can feel a little.. unflow-y. Sticky. Tense. Our inner (and outer) critic comes to the party and wants to be heard. We wonder if we'll ever be able to do 'it'. If we're enough to accomplish 'it'. It wants to clamp down on the frivolous, on anything that isn't pushing us towards our goals.
It takes a stern, hard look at the world, and ourselves, and gives us sometimes a ruthless reality check. But the magic lies in remembering that it is here to show us how much we want it. How despite what comes up, we trust in ourselves to keep going. To claim authority over our own lives. To reclaim own sovereignty.
May 16
Full moon eclipse in Scorpio - stay tuned for the moon musing!
May 18
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces:
While not his usual go-getter persona, Mars with Neptune reminds us how powerful spending time with our deepest, most extravagant desires are. How we don't always have to be 'go go go', that there is medicine in drifting and dreaming into what is possible in our future actions, what desires drive us forward in this life.
Allow yourself to remember that action can be ignited from dreaming. You might feel confused as to what those pieces are, be pulled in a magnitude of different ways. But this set up reminds us to let go of the tight grasp and allow yourself to surrender to the power of magic.
May 21
Sun enters Gemini; Mercury makes inferior conjunction with Sun
This. Is. MERCURY'S day! The sun enters fun-loving, playful, curious, mischievous Gemini (ruled by Mercury). The sun is out to play, to connect, to explore. To remind us of the power of a LAUGH! Meeting exactly with mercury on this same day, this is a day to prioritize lightness in our lives! Especially if mischief is afoot ;)
Be like the otter who sees play as no different than eating or breathing. It's not a luxury, it's a necessity. Connect with those that fill you up, alight your soul, make your face hurt from laughing.
While there might be an urge to see every person you've ever met and message every person in your area code, we might need a gentle reminder to not burn ourselves out by wanting to do it ALL. All at the same time. We got a month in Gemini, lots of time for play!
May 25
Mars enters Aries
Mars entering Aries is like pouring lighter fluid on burning embers. After a foray into dreamy Pisces, Mars returns to his home domain and wants to GET SHIT DONE. Enough faffing around, Mars in Aries wants action steps to be taken. To do what it says it will. To venture forth with no restraints, the wild stallion wanting to do what it wants to do. Now.
So if things have felt a bit sluggish, if you've been wondering where your momentum has gone, have no fear, our personal warrior has returned. It has the drive to venture through perceived roadblocks, the determination to see things through.
Just remember that unchecked, the fire can rage out of control, causing destruction and burnout in its wake. There can be increased agitation, impatience, or anger. Watch your own personal fires burning within. A little bit of lighter fluid can go a long way.
May 29
Venus enters Taurus
Yasssssss Queen! Sensual, seductive Venus enters her own realm in Taurus. She is exalted here. Elated. She sees the pleasures in the simplicity of life, of the senses. A decadent meal, a long, deep inhale of a flower - that's her foreplay.
She exudes pleasure, sensuality. In her slowness is her power. In her receptivity to the world is her ecstasy. This is a time to honour the body as a vehicle for pleasure.
With so much of the spiritual community focused on ascension and leaving this "terrible" world, Venus in Taurus gives us the antidote. Reminds us that, yes spiritual enlightenment, but YASSS earthly pleasures too!
So get your pleasure on. Book that extra long massage. Give yourself a weekly home spa day. Wear the fabrics that make your body want to melt. Buy yourself fresh flowers often. Enjoy what it is to be human and the magnificent senses we have been given.
Mars conjunct Jupiter
We may feel either unbelievably motivated or driven, experience next levels of passion, or… like we might set the world on fire! With Jupiter, the Enhancer, meeting up with Mars in the sky, however we're experiencing this Mars in Aries energy will be amplified. Take on new heights. Either being our liberation or our (temporary) demise.
So if there's wild tempers flailing about, you feel you might skyrocket away on your agitation, or you finally figured out that five year action plan that has been nagging at you for 30 years, this is a day to not take things personally. To watch the power of your actions. To look before you leap (into the flames).
May 30
New moon in Gemini - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Much love!
Xx Faye