Musings on Mars Retrograde 2022/23
*Part 1 of a Mars Retrograde Series*
Welcome to... Mars Retrograde Season!
Today our personal warrior takes a step back. Slows down. Collapses, even.
Mars - the planet of our will, of action, of desires, of power - begins his retrograde journey through Gemini until January 12th 2023. Happening only every two years, this personal planet retrograde is one of the more significant transits of the year.
It is a time when our inner warrior comes off the frontlines and into recuperation. Where we may stop moving - mentally, physically - and realize how exhausted we actually are.
Having been in Gemini* since August, and staying there for an unprecedented seven months until March (Mars usually spends six weeks in each sign!), all things Gemini are coming into review.
Our communications, our mental thought processes, our connection with others all ask for our reflection. Reassessment. Potentially even reinvention.
Retrogrades have a reputation for making things not work smoothly. To throw disruptions into our best laid plans. To feel as if we're stuck in first gear trapped in a constant stop-start motion.
So with Mars - our drive that wants to get things DONE - this inability to do so can cause agitation. Frustration. Flare ups of anger.
Being in the sign of the communicator, it is asking us to remember to watch the power of our words. Pause before you spew fire at someone. Lay down your weapons before rushing off into the next battle. Fight your own fight and no one else's.
It can also take our regular Mars functions and diminish them. We may feel a lack of motivation, of direction, of energy, of sexual desire over the coming weeks. We may feel adrift or apathetic towards our goals...or have no idea what those even are anymore.
So wherever you're at, whatever you're feeling over the coming weeks, whether it's agitation or apathy, exhaustion or excitement, remember we are all needing to tend to our warriors.
To take this retrograde as a much needed gift in slowing down. To not resist meeting your energy levels exactly where they are at. To thank our inner warriors for this long, hard road they have been walking for a loooooong time now. Giving them their overdo reward of rest.
My approach to this Mars retrograde is different. I'm actually looking forward to it in a way!
And I'll tell you exactly why in Part 2 of this series ;)
Much love,
Xx Faye
*If you know the area of your chart that Gemini rules, this is where we may find heightened examples of these processes playing out that are asking for our attention and review!