Musings on the New Moon Eclipse

Welcome to the new moon (eclipse) in Gemini!

Similar to the last musing, we have a plethora of energies afoot right now - Mercury and Saturn still retrograde, the big Saturn/Uranus meet-up (on Tuesday) and a solar eclipse (beside the north node) just for good measure.

I thought it'd be fun to start a new writing series called - "But...what does that mean?!" since that is always the follow up question astrologers' receive ;)

It means the mind is whirling and twirling about, picking up speeds that feel as if it could derail you.

It means feeling as if you're caught in the undertow of life's waves, not knowing which way is up or down.

It means feeling the Furies inside of you, dancing like wild flames about to spin out of control.

It means that old, deep stories are coming out from the recesses of ourselves, demanding to be seen. To be loved.

It means that who you are, what you truly want, can feel as solid as the mountains and as elusive as the wind.

It means having no idea what it is that you actually want, what it is that you're actually feeling, but trusting that something far more grand is unfolding in the invisible realms, waiting to emerge only when the time is right.

It means a desire to break free of what has been holding you hostage even if you don't know what waits on the other side.

It means valuing the precious gifts of the earth and Her ability to help ground you in the most profound way.

It means slowing down your thoughts, your expectations, your self-imposed pressures.

It means taking time to laugh, to play, to feel wild and alive in who you are.

It means wriggling through the uncomfortable muck, the drudges of our psyche, our patternings, because deep down you know you're far more powerful than those inner demons let you believe.

It means realizing that deep change is possible. Change that has been simmering in your bones from before you can remember, waiting to burst forth.

It means...we're almost through this intensity. And you are a motherf*cking superstar for coming this far.

Keep going... your journey continues to unfold in its magnificent, messy beauty. The only kind there is

Much love,
Xx Faye


Musings on the Capricorn Full Moon


Musings on Eclipse Season