Musings on Eclipse Season
Welcome to eclipse season!
I'm doing things a little differently today.
I tend to leave the astrological updates to the plethora of other sources out there, but I've been receiving a lot of questions about this upcoming eclipse season, so here's a little somethin' somethin' for you to return to over the next couple weeks.
Today we have a full moon lunar eclipse* (in Sagittarius) opening up the eclipse season until the next one, a new moon solar eclipse on June 10th.
Saturn went retrograde last Saturday, Mercury goes retrograde this Saturday, and then right after the new moon eclipse we have one of the major astrological events of the year, Saturn squaring Uranus for the second time this year.
The follow-up question to all of this? What the eff does all of that actually mean?!
It means that there are a ton of different energies at play right now.
It means that one minute you can be feeling elated in who you are and the path you've chosen, and the next berating yourself for every decision you've ever made.
It means that things move slower while speeding up.
It means conflicting parts of ourselves entering the boxing ring ready to duke it out.
It means some of us are being challenged in an excruciating way while others feel their life finally might be falling into place.
It means wanting everything to change while wanting absolutely nothing to.
It means... take a deep breath.
It means compassion for yourself if you've steeped in self-criticism, or compassion for those around you who are enduring their personal dragon battles.
It means seeing life as a journey and you're pulling up to a town that you don't know if it's going to be your new home, sketchy as fuck or hold the teacher you've always seeked.
It means... you are not alone in whatever you're feeling.
So dance the night away, cry yourself to sleep, call a friend to say 'wtfffffff' or hold your dog and feel that unconditional love permeate your being
You got this. And then some. And if you feel like you don't, reach out and let me give you a cosmic hug and message from the stars above <3.
Much love,
Xx Faye