Musings on the Pisces New Moon
Forgive the delay in receiving this musing after the new moon, but if any zodiac sign is going to support not holding to rigid timing, it's beautiful, drifty Pisces ;)
True to Pisces watery, ever-changing nature, I have been unable to commit to what I wanted to write about for this new moon. I have drifted between writing about the beauty and danger of fantasy. Of being able to respond and flow with feelings that seem to arise from nowhere and change just as quickly. I thought about not writing anything. About addiction. About the interconnectedness of everything. And about fifty other things. And while all of these are true to Pisces, I realized that what I actually needed was to feel some lightness in my life right now. I could leave the heavy moon musings for another zodiac sign, but for this one, I'm going to honour one of my favourite attributes of Pisces...
I love magic! My favourite movies are fantastical magic movies (but god damn is there a shortage of good ones! Please give me any suggestions!). I love being transported into a different world where everything and anything is possible. I love blurring the lines between fantasy and reality through books and movies, and ok fiiiiiiine, through my daydreams too. But the magic ends there. Left to Harry Potter and Murukami, in worlds that as much as we may try to enter (sometimes through substances), we can't actually cross into. Right?
Wrong! I saw magic with my own eyes and I wanted to share that experience :)
One evening this summer I was at my cottage, sitting on the dock staring out aimlessly. Lost in my own world, I suddenly felt a little tickle on my hand and when I looked down there was a baby dragonfly! I knew it was a baby dragonfly because it had no wings yet. I have a deep connection to dragonflies and so the fact that there was a baby dragonfly on my hand made me the happiest ever. It was just perched there in stillness and I had a deeper sense that something was happening that I was unaware of. So I just sat there, keeping my hand still, in no rush for this experience to end. Eventually it started to shake slightly and I realized that it was shedding its exoskeleton skin onto me, in its perfect form. I thought this was the coolest thing EVER, to see two dragonflies in a way, the exterior and interior. To see nature's process right before my eyes. To project everything I was going through onto this tiny dragonfly and realize I was going through the same process in my life. I thought my life was complete at the honour of this dragonfly seeming to trust me enough to go through this process on my hand. And then.. and then..
Now this is where words can never, ever do justice to what I saw, but I will attempt. Wild imagination is highly encouraged here! As I stared at this dragonfly in awe, I was focused on its spine and I started to see something emerge. From nowhere the most delicate lines began to appear from its spine, starting to weave together to form its wings, growing bigger with each passing second, the sun glistening through their delicacy. As the wings began to emerge, so did its tail. It began to pulse with movement, with its breath, and the wings and tail grew in tandem as the dragonfly remained perfectly still. Just... trusting. And just like that, the baby dragonfly became an adult. The whole process took less than fifteen seconds, but in those fifteen seconds my world changed. I started SOBBING haha! Like, double-rainbow type sobbing. Because I had just seen what I had waited my whole life to see - magic right before my eyes.
I have never seen something more beautiful, more magical in my entire life. Truly. And it changed me on a deeper level because of course there is a scientific explanation for what happened. Of course there's some logical explanation and these wings didn't just appear from nowhere. But to me, it was pure magic. To see the wings of my favourite being emerge from nowhere, the sun making them sparkle like nothing I've ever seen before. It was the reminder that I needed that actually everything is magic. It's all a matter of perspective. I could see this experience through the lens of science, or I could stop trying to understand what was occurring and just focus on the fact that I just saw a dragonfly grow wings and a tail from nowhere! ON ME! And it made me feel magical. That I'm no different from this dragonfly. That nature, which includes us, at its core is magic. To me at least. I mean, just watch Planet Earth to see and feel that, am I right? That we take for granted what magic it is that we continuously breathe and do one billion other function in our body continuous (one billion functions is a scientific fact ;) ). Pisces asks us to forget about the logical explanation of things and to sink deeply into how fucking magical everything is if we take the time to see it that way! That maybe.. and I know I'm gonna lose a few of you here hahaha, but that science is just a way to help us explain magic..? If magic is no longer just spells and dragons but instead something that leaves us in awe. Something that blows our mind, something that takes us outside of our narrow view of thinking and reminds us that there are bigger, unexplainable forces at play. That anything is possible. That it's not coincidence, but magic, that makes your best friend call when you were feeling lonely, you make the streetcar when you're running late, or you get a cheque in the mail when you're anxious about money. These things don't have to happen. But they do. Because it's a magical, magical world. When we choose to see it that way
So over the next couple weeks, I invite you to join me in trying to see the magic that swirls about your life, swirls about in you. To have FUN and just play around with the belief that magic exists! That maybe there are faeries dancing around, or dragons curled up in the cave in the woods. But also, remembering the magic that you hold! What would it be like if the words you spoke carried magic to them? Would you talk to others, yourself, differently? Would you dream bigger and more freely if you believed that just by speaking these words they could actually come true? Are there things - books, movies, music - that make you believe that magic exists? For me, I just want to have fun with this idea! I want to let myself be a child again that believes she can speak to the animals. I read 'The Little Mermaid' by Hans Christian Anderson yesterday and I spent my bath dreaming that I lived at the bottom of the ocean with the mermaids. It was SO FUN! I have enough healthy doses of reality and "shoulds" in my life, something always on my to-do list. I sometimes find it really hard to not put constraints even on my own imagination, almost as a protective mechanism. So for this new moon, my gift to myself is to believe in magic wildly. To dream fantastically. To dream my dreams unabashedly! For the next couple weeks, to believe that my words and thoughts hold magic to them. Because who is to say they don't!
Definitely not the faeries
Xx Faery Faye