Musings on the Gemini Full Moon
Happy Gemini full moon everyone!
This full moon is a lunar eclipse - heightening the already potent energy of a full moon - so if you're feeling like a werewolf or have your mind racing a mile a minute (very Gemini!), sit back, relax, and let the moon come to you.
Much love,
Xx Faye
I need to be a bit gossipy. Can I tell you about what happened to me recently?
My twin came to visit out of the blue.
We have a complicated relationship, her and I.
She pops in and out of my life whenever she pleases.
It's no surprise her consort is Mercury - they flutter and fly about on his winged shoes, barely staying still long enough for their feet to touch the ground.
But her feet did land long enough to come visit.
We gossiped and gabbed like only two Gemini twins can do.
Laughed and talked at lightning speed to convey everything we'd been dying to tell each other. Connect in a way that only you and your other half can.
And then, it all changed.
In a flash everything turned dark.
I could barely see her anymore, but I could feel her.
Her eyes staring back at me from the dark, flickers of flames in her eyes the only source of light.
Its moments like those that she feels like a dark stranger to me.
Lurking just behind, ready to take me down whenever she senses the slightest faltering on my part. Knowing exactly when to make her shadow appear, sensing my most vulnerable times.
She knows my insecurities, my self-doubts and self-criticisms, and from her lips they spewed like rapid fire. Penetrating my core with their intensity. With their hurtfulness.
I began to shrink, wanting to disappear from how cutting her words were.
Like a sword making a thousand nicks over my entire being.
This is not the first time she's done this. And I know it won't be the last.
But this visit something different happened.
As she went on her tirade, I listened to her from the dark.
I met her blazing eyes and held her stare.
I watched her shadows move.
And as if for the first real time, I saw that she was not me.
Yes, we are twins. We share a bond that links us to our core and beyond.
But it links us. It is not us.
It's hard to remember that while she weaves her words into every dark crevasse of my soul, but now I see her for who she is.
My twin. My shadow.
But that is not me. She can never be me.
Has she dropped in with you recently?
Have you been met with thoughts, fears or beliefs that feel as if they could drain you of your lightness?
Of your belief in what's possible?
Have they been coming to dinner, to your dreams, pushing on the soft spots of your soul?
Like a siren luring you into the shadows where tricks of the mind run rampant?
Us Geminis don't go deep like Scorpio does, but we do go dark.
If she's making her way to you these days, remember that she, the dark shadows hidden within, are not you.
Yes they are connected to you, like the never-ending bond of a twin.
But she is not you.
She makes you wiser when you hear her words but remember they are not yours.
She infuses you with strength and vision the longer you hold her gaze through the flames.
So meet her eyes.
See that they are not your own.
She is a visitor to your world.
She is not your world.
See her for who she is -
A crucial, often ignored (or even feared) part of you, just wanting to be heard.
Crying out for attention the only way she knows how.
But when you listen to her without engaging, she will eventually come back from the shadows and becomes your greatest ally.
The laughs return, playfulness abounds, insights prevail.
And she'll eventually fly off again, never knowing exactly when she'll return.
But she will return.
And maybe next time you'll join me in meeting her with open arms, a compassionate heart and an unfaltering gaze.
Love always,
The Gemini full moon