Musings on the Sagittarius New Moon

Sit back, relax and enjoy this love letter from the new moon in Sagittarius..! The last new moon of 2020! A chance to begin again, as the moon always reminds us :)

Much love,
Xx Faye

Oh, you magnificent being, you.

As your calendar year comes to a close, I wanted to check in and see how you're doing?
To see how you're feeling as you may be reflecting on this past year...
A year that I've seen challenge you, disrupt you and everything you once held as 'certainty.'

Are you wanting to laugh at the absurdity of it all?
Are you able to have glimpses of future laughs that will inevitably return when you regale future generations about 'the time when you couldn't hug?'

Or are the tears still falling and stinging the still fresh wounds that this year has left on you?

Or both? :)

I was watching the great hawk fly in all her glory and it made me think of you.

The hawk flies so high I can almost feel the flap of her wings from up here.
She perches on the highest branch of the tallest tree, swaying with the wind yet never losing her balance off the branch.
I marvel at her grace, her power, her focus, her resilience to do this.

Have you seen her fly above you?
Did she cause you to stop in your tracks and be filled with awe at her sheer brilliance, the sheer magnitude of capabilities, her gifts?

Can you feel the freedom she holds within her wings?
The wisdom weaved in her feathers?

She flies so free because she has the innate gift, the profound ability to see both the field mouse below her and the mountains beyond her.
She is free because she knows that what lies in front of her, of you, is the most minuscule piece of the grand landscape.
The most minuscule portion of what exists, of what is possible.

She knows that freedom is held in vision. Of seeing beyond. Of dreaming beyond.
She knows that if her fierce talons cannot hold this mouse, there is infinite sky and land ahead to try again.

To begin again.
And so can you.

So my beautiful creature, no different than the magnificent hawk, I want you to climb to the highest peaks of your inner vision, inner dreams.
And sit there.

Sit atop the mountain, the steeple, the hills within and marvel at the expansiveness that lies ahead of you.
You don't need to be able to see what lies ahead yet, to pick out the field mouse from hundreds of miles away.
All you need to know is that it exists.
That there is a world, a life, a collective awaiting beyond the minuscule period of time you're currently in.

I completely understand if envisioning the future fills you with unease right now - dread or uncertainty.
I've seen what's been happening in your world.
And I feel for you deeply, darling.

It can feel like walking the razor's edge trying to stay present so you don't overwhelm yourself with the unknown ahead.
But we need our visions of what lies beyond for when we get stuck in the narrowness of our thinking.

So maybe it's finding freedom and vision through a book, a song, a friend.
Freedom and vision isn't tangible, it isn't a prescribed formula.

It's a feeling it elicits within you.

That fills your entire being with ease and spaciousness, leaving your eyes wide with wonder about the infinite possibilities that lie ahead -
and the excitement that the great unknown cradles us in.

It is that feeling deep within that makes you seek The Truth. That seeks meaning.

It knows, it believes, that there is another way forward.

So infuse yourself with dreaming unabashedly.
Find meaning in the mundane.
Finding meaning in the loss, the chaos, the hurt, the disappointment that may have been your companion this year.
Trusting that it has made your wings stronger. Your vision clearer.

What makes you feel free, only you know, but as I return the light to your world, explore this with the curiosity of a child in awe of seeing the world for the first time.

Explore the places within you, around you, that fill you with ease, with hope, with wonder.

There are mountain peaks within your heart, within your soul, to sit atop and feel the infinite freedom that lies in every corner of your being.

Because it is those peaks, those places, that you can return to, perched alongside the hawk, swaying with the wind while seeing beyond.

Feel the freedom of the wind, of the world, below you.

And begin again.

Love always,
The Sagittarius new moon


Musings on the Cancer Full Moon


Musings on the Gemini Full Moon