September Astrology Forecast 2024
Welcome to the September Forecast!
This month we get a hefty dose of Neptunian & Piscean energy, especially as we re-enter Eclipse season mid-month - buckle up for change! All outer planets go retrograde, and Pluto starts the month by returning to Capricorn, his final stint in this sign completing a cycle and themes that have been in the works since 2008. It’s a month of dreaming - and commiting in a practical way to making those dreams come true. But with any eclipse season, things are in flux, shapeshifting and unpredictable - allowing for a new energy to enter our lives whether we may be ready for it or not (spoiler - we are even if we don’t quite believe it yet).
Sunday Sept 1 - Pluto Retrograde (Rx) re-enters Capricorn
The Lord of the Underworld takes his final journey through Capricorn, wrapping up the stories and themes we've seen both collectively and personally. Here until mid-November, we're given a final pass into what, if anything, still needs to be dismantled in order to be transformed. Still needs our perseverance and dedication to be born anew. Globally we may see structures that have already begun to crumble continue to do so (because, well, they weren't built on a solid foundation to begin with!). We won't see Pluto in Capricorn again in our lifetime, so get curious over these months as you look within and without to see just how different we are, the world is, since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (cue the beginning of system collapses, aka the housing crash).
Monday Sept 2 - Uranus stations Retrograde
The Cosmic Rebel-Rouser enters his yearly slow down to make sure all those revolutionary acts we've committed to are actually in alignment with who we are. While this isn't a transit that impacts us greatly personally, it's still a cosmic slowdown that asks us for our attention. Or rather - reflection. Are we showing up in the world in a way that feels true to who we are? Are we still trying to fit in boxes that aren't ours? It's a chance to reflect on our uniqueness, on our weirdness, on our ability to remember that what the world desperately needs is our out-of-the-box thinking. Needs our out-of-the-box selves.
Virgo New Moon - you can find the video in the newsletter!
Wed Sept 4 - Mars enters Cancer
Mars enters Cancer and we trade all-night gab fests and creating the next big app for fierce protection of our soul-nourishing needs. If soul-care and a little bit of slowing down is what you've been craving, now's the time. Here Mars teaches us that our inner warrior's don't always have to be on the battlefield. That it's equally important to 'fight' for downtime. To advocate for rest and nourishment. To prioritize and protect what makes you feel safe - whether that's a place, people or coming home to your Self.
Sat Sept 7 - Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus
Get the idgaf* microphone out! Take centre stage and say what you need to say. Expect breakthroughs and communication breakdowns. Words may have more fire behind them. Unexpected conversations and insights may pour in. It's a day to not take anything personally, to not get caught in the crossfire, and if you have sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach about wanting to say something - say it! That's the sign you're moving in the right direction.
Sun Sept 8 - Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Today our attention shines on all things Saturn. Glaring reality checks. The constriction of time. The ability to be moving into the truest version of ourselves. It's a day that can feel a little heavy if we're feeling the pressures of life. But it is exactly those pressures that force us into a new version of ourselves. That teach us perseverance. That make us continue to put one foot in front of another when we may want to give up. Because before we know it, each of those steps has led us to our next incredible summit.
Monday Sept 9 - Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury returns to his home domain of Virgo and wants us to prioritize the nitty-gritty aspects of life. Wants us to sift through the noise to distill what's actually important. Here our red pens come out, our matter of fact conversations dominate, and our thoughts, words and mind propel us to focus on the task at hand and get shit done. Just be cautious that the need for perfectionism doesn't become your own biggest hindrance.
Tuesday Sept 17 - Pisces Full Moon Eclipse - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Wed Sept 18 - Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Today we might notice our thoughts meeting our fears. Our words a little bit harsher - especially the words we say to ourselves! Our minds might believe our self-doubts a little more. A curt word from someone else may make us spiral. But speaking to our own integrity, speaking our truth no matter how shaky our hands are, is the surest pathway to our empowerment.
Fri Sept 20 - Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Today our need to know and our ability to trust come face to face. We may feel at odds within ourself. A clear path forward with a work plan one minute - a foggy landscape with no direction the next. It's a day that may let any despair creep in. Exhaustion to hit its crux. Or an ability to let ourselves dream unabashedly for the day - knowing that we have to commit to the work ahead to bring our dreams into reality.
Sun Sept 22 - Sun enters Libra (Autumn/Spring Equinox)
The Sun enters Libra, marking the Autumn/Spring Equinox and nature gives us our reminder of what it means to be in balance. To remember the importance of both the light and the dark - that you cannot have one without the other. That both are equal in their beauty when you see them as companions to each other. The falling leaves sparkling in the setting sun. The dark, rich spring earth preparing to meet the light again. It's a time to prioritize how nourishing it is to surround yourself with beauty - art, music, nature, your own fabulous beauty. And to maybe, just maybe, get your flirt on with life that much more ;)
Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn & Venus enters Scorpio
Right before Venus enters Scorpio she squares Pluto, Scorpio's ruler. Aka - there's some Scorpio energy running through Venus' veins. Think ride or die vibes. Think a need for deep connection and even deeper passion. Think the power of love or the love of power. And think inner shadows peeking their heads above ground. Our self-worth, our shame, our jealousies and envies may feel that much more on the surface. So we listen. We hold them as they cry, rage or scream and gently say "I know, it's hard". And we watch them transform right in front of us just by greeting them, by acknowledging that it's ok to be there. We're human. It's how stuck in those thoughts we get that tips the balance between disempowerment and our ultimate power.
Wed Sept 25 - Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
If "wait, what did I want to say?", or "where was I going with that?" seem to be the name of the game; if you can't get a sentence out without stumbling over your own words, or your thoughts led you adrift into worlds you didn't know existed - that's the mark of today/the days surrounding. It's a set up that may leave us feeling foggy in the brain, of conversations either inspiring us or rattling us, of our own thoughts needing to be reigned in so they don't betray us with fears that aren't ours to begin with.
Thurs Sept 26 - Mercury enters Libra
Today Mercury enters Libra and our words get a little bit softer, a little bit more accommodating to another's opinion, a little fiercer if an injustice has been done. Here Mercury both wants to whisper sweet nothings to those they love, to play the (gentle) devil's advocate, and to people please a little too much. So make sure your words are your own and you're refraining from what needs to be said in fear of rocking someone else's boat.
Mon Sept 30 - Sun conjunct Mercury (Superior Conjunction) in Libra
Today the Sun and Mercury meet up exactly in the sky, bringing to light the conversations and ideas that are ready for an extra bit of oomph. The exchanges with others of how to right the wrongs in the worlds, and the imbalances within ourselves. And potentially new ideas on how to return there. New illuminations around areas that have felt previously stuck. Superior Conjunction days are always wonderful days to put pen to paper, to pull your tarot cards, to meet up or call that bestie and feel nourished from the inside out.
Have a great month!
Xx Faye
*Idgaf - I don’t give a fuck ;)