October 2024 Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the October Forecast! 

This is a month that has two very distinct feels to it. The first half of the month, a time for integration after the eclipse energies (how you doing out there??), shifts in the cosmos but I see it as more a preparatory stage. Then the second half of the month comes blazing in with the Aries Full Moon and gives us some energies that are asking for our fortitude, our perseverance, our trust. It’s asking us to leap from right action, pause before we say something we don’t actually mean. To keep our hearts above any mental chatter that threatens to bring us crashing down - and to remember that the rewards for putting one step in front of another when we have no idea what else to do, are already coming your way. Here are some of the most noteworthy astrological days of the month. Enjoy! And as always, reach out with any questions or burning insights!

Wed Oct 2 - Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse - you can find the video in the newsletter!

Tues Oct 8 - Mercury in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries, + Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer 

Our ability to communicate our most tender spots, our deepest wounds feeling a tad triggered by a passing comment, surprise epiphanies on how far we've come on our healing journey - all up for grabs today! While there can feel a tension between our people-pleasing needs and our desire to burst out of the mold, there's also a beautifully supportive energy to the day where what we value, what we desire, what we yearn for has the support of our willpower and right action.

Wed Oct 9 - Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde 

Jupiter starts his yearly slowdown and while we don't feel this intensely on a personal level (like we do with Venus or Mars retrogrades), it's still a moment in time that allows us to pause, reflect and re-envision anything that may need our review - if you know the house that Jupiter is transiting through in your chart, there might be a clue! Have we been expanding ourselves and getting out of our comfort zones? Have we felt our minds going a mile a minute without landing anywhere? Have their been courses or lectures or podcasts that have rocked our world and supported us on our journey? While in Gemini, this can also be a time to reflect on our relationship with our mental spheres. Is it supporting or sabbotaging us? Are we sharing our wealth of knowledge or convinced we need to get that next certification? Jupiter is in retrograde until Feb 2025, so we have ample time to reflect on how we can use our mental realm to expand our power. 

Saturday Oct 12 - Pluto stations direct 

While not usually a significant transit, Pluto stationing direct does have more weight to it than usual as it is in its final pass, in its final degree of Capricorn - and won't be back until 2254! This is the final act of a story that has been playing out since 2008 in the collective (collapses of what seemed unshakable systemic structures anyone?), but also in our personal lives. What structures have crumbled, but more importantly been rebuilt in our lives? Can we pause and see all the progress and growth we've accomplished in our lives since 2008? (If you know the area of your chart Pluto has been transiting through, that'll be a clue!) What solid foundations have we built? Where have we redefined our definition of power, and where do we feel more powerful? Pluto (re)enters Aquarius in November and a whole new generational chapter begins (hellooooooooo AI). 

Sunday Oct 13 - Mercury enters Scorpio

Mercury leaves the gabfests and gossip marathons to go deep. To get real. Here Mercury would rather hear about your crumbling life than your weekend. Your darkest shame and fears rather than your next vacay. While in Scorpio Mercury encourages us to get to the heart of the matter. To be the constant detective, noticing what may be appearing below the surface, below someone's words.  Merucry wants us to fill our words with soul, with depth - just make sure your thoughts don't get stuck on the darker side of life. There's light even in the darkest cracks. 

Monday Oct 14 - Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, Venus trine Neptune

Today may feel a little edgy. Charged - which depending where you're at can either break you down or propel you forward! We may feel a little more agitated than usual, have our sharp-tongues ready, our 'burn it all to the ground' mentalities at the forefront. And - it can be breathtakingly illuminating. Insights into ourselves, our relationships, our hidden shames and fears may garner new light, new love. A pattern we never thought we could break through seemingly dissolves, leaving a new spaciousness. So take any shakeups or unexpected happenings as your gateway to unfurling into a deeper, truer version of you. 

Thursday Oct 17 - Aries Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

                         Venus enters Sagittarius 

If anything was shaken up, unravelled, revealed at the beginning of the week in Venus' realm (think relationships, connection, self-worth, values, money, etc.), now's the integration time. The meaning behind it all (we don't go into the depths for nothing!). Venus enters Sagittarius and gives us the gift of finding meaning in it all. Why do we value what we do? What are we willing to sacrfice for it? While in Sagittarius, Venus reminds us to value and honour the medicine of play and purpose - of the power of seeing the world through shimmering, glittering awe-filled eyes. Here Venus wants to remind us it's ok to let loose, whatever you define that as. Yes, life is hard and harsh and we see it everyday. But it's beautiful and inspiring and magical just the same too - so let's enjoy the ride while we're here. 

Tuesday Oct 22 - Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 

Right before the Sun leaves Libra, it squares off with Pluto in the sky (with Mars having his say too in this set up). Meaning? Not gonna lie, it may feel a little tense! Prickly. Shadows emerging and the unescapable (often harsh) realities of life. Walks in our own underworlds, landscapes few have seen. Themes of powerlessness and potential may arise. Unexplained feelings of jealousy or anger may poke their heads out to say hello. Questioning every decision we've ever made and 'how the fuck did I end up here?' may colour the day. And - it's beautiful. It reminds us of all our aspects of being human, not just the shiny parts. It demands that we take action to regain our feeling of empowerment. It shows us the parts of ourselves that need to hear "I know, it's ok, I got you." So meet it all and see it as your recommitment to your Self, your path, your innate beautiful power. 

Sun enters Scorpio

Right after meeting up with its ruler Pluto in the sky, the Sun enters Scorpio to keep us going deep. To give us the space, the encouragement, the power evoked when we meet and love all aspects of ourselves - especially the "undesirable" ones (says who?!!). Here we sink into our own inner Shaman, our own inner healer. We see beyond what we are told exists. We question. We prod. We excavate. We give space and breath to parts of ourselves, and others, that don't often get the attention it needs. It can sometimes feel a little arduous, but it is always, always our surest path to our empowerment and greatest wealth. 

Monday Oct 28 - Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces

Our frivolous fun and desires may feel a little squashed today. Mr. Reality Check saunters in and says "excuse me, have you really thought this through? Do you really think you're capable of that?" We may feel (temporarily) restricted in our pleasures, in the lighter side of life. Until we say 'enough!' and take back our own authority from the conditioned stories that swirl around. It's a chance to step more fully into ourselves, to stand strong and firm in what (and who) lights us up - and to never apologize for it! 

Wed Oct 30 - Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Alrighty, get those thick skins on; reel the loose tongues in and tread every so delicately as there's a set up for flare ups and blow outs. Your boss lashes out? You smash a cup and take it out on your partner? Your mile-a-minute mind won't let you off the mental rollercoaster that's spun out of control? All par for the course. We may feel a little cagey, our scorpion tails ready for the sting, an edginess we can't explain. So - pause before your spew fire. Get your energetic shields out for anything coming your way. And more than anything, see it as a time that if you got something you've been holding back saying, now's the time! This is a set up for finding our voice, to speak our truth - especially if your palms are sweaty! That just means you’re breaking out of an outdated mold and into who you really are.

Have a great month!
Xx Faye



November 2024 Astrology Forecast


September Astrology Forecast 2024