August Astrology Forecast 2024
Welcome to the (half) August Astrology forecast!
Just a personal note before we delve into the wild energies for the later half of the month..
Thank you. Thank you for your patience when you don't receive an email 'on time', for when I've missed a musing. As a one woman show, when life happens (and oh, life be happening..I'll be telling these stories one day!), things inevitably take a hit and important pieces I hold dear have to be put on hold. It's a fascinating journey, let me tell you. To want dearly to be there for my readers, my community. And to honour where I'm at, where my energy and soul is. I'm in a period of mass recalibration, so stay with me, keep the course, because whatever lies on the other side is gonna be goddamn fucking fantastic, I can feel it!
And now, let's get to it!
Friday August 16 - Mars in Gemini Squares Saturn in Pisces
An energy that's been building all week, today our inner warrior and our inner taskmaster face off and may have us feeling a little bit at a standstill. One part of us wanting to forge ahead, guns ablazing into whatever next exciting chapter that may be shimmering in front of us. While another part of us squashes it immediately, wonders if it's what we "should" be doing, if it's possible, if it's realistic. So we meet these two in the middle. We listen to both sides, we sprinkle reality in with magic. We allow ourselves to dream ahead - and wonder what practical steps we need to take to make it a reality.
Sunday August 18 - Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Inferior Conjunction) & Mercury Rx square Uranus
Now this is a day for messages! Moments of inspirations, desires to chat until dawn, a-has and shockwaves running through our minds and nervous systems. This comes the day before the big full moon, so illuminations are a-fluttering, energies are high (and maybe a little tense??), and with Mercury squaring Uranus - the rebel-rouser, the cosmic disruptor, don't be surprised if you get some 'woah, where did that come from?!' moments. But Mercury's reunion with the Sun ignites a new cycle, a new opportunity to bring clarity and inspiration to our thoughts and dreams.
Monday August 19th - Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces; Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus; Aquarius Full Moon;
IT'S A DAY. Enough said. Watch the video because I gotta ramble about this one ;)
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
This duo is the talk of the astrologer's town this month. These two powerhouses, the two planets that represent our place in society; what we value; our freedoms and our limitations, our beliefs and those that we've been societally conditioned to believe, square off with each other. Have us questioning our place in this world, of what is truly ours - and what has been handed down to us. This duo first met up back in Dec 2020 (one of my first workshops!), and is called "The Great Conjunction". A moment in time where society begins to, well, shift. When it reaches its first tension point (today), we may see patterns or themes from back then reemerge. Things we thought we had "solved", opportunities for growth; challenges that force us to get there. With such big energies, you don't feel them just today. This is an energy that's been building all month, and will continue for the rest. So get curious - see if your thoughts and beliefs of what's possible are your own, or something the collective has been telling you.
Thurs August 22 - Sun enters Virgo
The Sun enters Virgo and we begin to take stock of all that we have planted. What's ready to be harvested? What didn't make it through the season and is ready to become rich fodder? While in Virgo we are blessed with the gift of discernment. What is serving us, what isn't. What is worthy of our precious, beautiful energy - and what drains it. Here we prioritize the soothing effect of dealing with the daily minutiae of life. How a tidy home, a cross off your list, a moment of pause to celebrate all that you've accomplished, can be the medicine you didn't even know you needed.
Wed Aug 28th - Mercury in Leo stations Direct
If you've been feeling a little, well, off, this August. If things have felt slower than usual for this time of year, fret not, Mercury completes his retrograde and reinvigorates us forward - if we've taken the time to get curious about what is wanting our attention, our reflection, our recalibration. In the last degrees of Leo, Mercury makes sure that we link our minds with our hearts, that we speak our Truth - and have the confidence (or rather, self-compassion) to do it even with shaking hands.
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune Rx in Pisces
Today we crave both the practical and the fantastical. We want order and meaning, while wanting freedom and spontaneity. We want our lovers to sweep us off our feet - by taking out the trash. We dream our most glorious possible dreams - and remember to plant them in the earthly realm. It's a day that can bring some fogginess, maybe confusion, even apathy - and next levels of self-compassion, soul-care and seeing the world for just as fucking beautiful as it truly is, even in the mundane.
Thursday Aug 29 - Venus enters Libra
As She leaves Virgo by saying goodbye to Neptune, today Venus enters her home realm of Libra once again. Here, she thrives. She remembers to see the beauty that surrounds us, the medicine of pleasure, the importance of being true to what we value. While in Libra, we call up our bff and talk for lifetimes, we flirt just that little bit extra, we are mesmerized by the beauty of a falling leaf. So wear your favourite dress just because. Connect with those that see you for who you are. Reassess what feels out of balance in your life and how you can bring more joy to the sticky parts.
Have a great month!
Xx Faye