May Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the May Astrology Forecast! 

A month of shifts, momentum and the unexpected! Jupiter starts his 12 year cycle into Taurus, personal planets change signs, the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, makes his mark known, bringing us into our (or other’s) underworlds. And - an eclipse! Read all about the main dates to work with this month!

Monday May 1st - Pluto stations retrograde

The Lord of the Underworld enters his cyclical return of reflection. A minor retrograde, we don't necessarily feel this impact in our daily lives. However during this retrograde Pluto will be moving back into Capricorn (from June - January) so we'll have a chance to assess if there's anything we need to wrap up in Capricorn's realm. How are the structures in our lives empowering us? Where do we give our power away by fitting into the way things 'have always been'? What support do we need to reach our fullest potential? Ponder, explore and excavate any insights! 

Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Taurus (Inferior conjunction)

Today we reflect. We pay attention. We slow down in our movements and thoughts enough to receive the messages that surround us. It's a day bright with potential - of having unexpected, inspiring conversations, of reflecting on just how far you've come in your journey. It's a day that might feel buzzy with excitement and possibilities that lie ahead - or things moving, feeling, thinking verrrrry slowwwwly. A wonderful day for writing, for using your voice and letting its power be felt among all those lucky enough to hear it. 

Thursday May 4th - Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 

Today brings a feeling of driftiness - of getting lost in our own thoughts, our own fantasies; of feeling as if we’re swimming upstream, of feeling the rollercoaster of feels. It can come with needing to do and say it all, with wanting to retreat into one's own cave, with feeling next level exhausted. It's a day that can feel like we're walking through mist, not sure what's real and what's an illusion. What is it we want and value, and how do we fully express that. It's a day to sink into wherever you're at, whether that is elation and deep compassion for those you love. Or - if you're feeling edgy, moody or confused. Soon again the waters will settle and the mist will lift. Stay the course. 

Friday May 5 - Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Sunday May 7 - Venus enters Cancer 

Venus enters Cancer and we begin to soften. We begin to value and prioritize the things that fill our cup; that nourish us, that nourish those we hold dear. Here Venus reminds us to focus on the pleasure and necessity of nesting in our own worlds. There's a gentleness to Venus in Cancer, of wanting to connect deeply to one's chosen family, of slowing things down, of listening to one's own intuition deeply. And - it can also make us feel a little crabby sometimes! A little more needy than we usually feel. But Venus asks us to feel it all, deeply. And watch it shift just like the moon Herself. 

Tuesday May 9th - Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Today we pay attention! Uranus, The Great Awakener, is back in action, meeting up with the sun for a powerful duo. It's a day that brings back the "expect the unexpected" mantra. Flash insights, sudden revelations, and a buzziness or restlessness that can feel A LOT. It's a day to put anything into motion you have been holding off on, of believing that things can change in a flash, of accepting and trusting that whatever is entering or leaving your life is for your greatest evolution. It's a day to cast your dreams far and wide - and to remember just how powerful of an individual you are in this world. 

Sunday May 14th - Mercury stations direct

Mercury slowly begins to leave its retrograde cycle and we begin to feel more forward movement again. Things that may have felt stuck or uninspired begin to take on a new life again. A flow begins to return, a clarity renewed. We harvest any insights we may have discovered over the retrograde period. Or - sigh a breath of relief those missing emails and texts have suddenly returned :) 

Tuesday May 16th - Jupiter enters Taurus 

After a year of (primarily) being in Aries, Jupiter enters Taurus where it will remain until May 2024! Jupiter's yearly shift indicates a part of our chart that gains a little more momentum, a little more magic, a little more expansion. In Taurus, Jupiter brings us back into the wisdom of our bodies. Of making things real in this material realm. Of prioritizing what makes us feel secure, stable and comfy in our lives. It is also an opportunity to magnify the power of embodiment. Of the magic that lives within our senses. With bringing us back to how powerful it is to infuse our days with the things that bring us pleasure. If you know what area of your chart is ruled by Taurus, see what wants to grow and expand in that area of your life! 

Wed May 17th - Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

After entering Taurus, Jupiter squares Pluto and with it brings up anything we may have been afraid to look at. Any areas of our lives that are eliciting shame, guilt or grief. Any areas of our life where we feel disempowered. And - where we feel rooted in our power. It's a day that may feel as if you're walking in your own underworld, meeting the people or places or things that you weren't expecting to meet. But hold your greatest wealth and potential when you choose to sit down and meet them. 

Friday May 19th - Taurus new moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Saturday May 20th - Mars enters Leo

After the watery, more internal realm of Cancer, Mars enters Leo with a BANG! Here our inner warrior shows up, fiercely, for what it is that brings us joy. What gets our creative juices flowing. What makes us laugh until dawn, dance until dusk. Here we take action towards our creative pursuits, towards the people and places that light us up from head to toe. It's a time to take up space, be centre stage, lead from heart energy. It's a time that can feel fiery with bubbling over passion - and of scorching self-doubt. So remember to lead from your heart, trust in your capabilities and - play play play! 

Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius 

Having just entered Leo, Mars immediately brings a friction with Pluto and we are met with an intensity. With a potential for fiery, even destructive actions and situations. It's a combination that may bring up hidden aspects of ourselves, make us look at our own relationship to, and use of, anger, rage, manipulation. It is a day to tread lightly, to not engage in anyone looking for a fight. To not provoke a feud. To use it as a day to stand so firmly in your power, in your potential, in the boss that you are (which sometimes means knowing that power comes from not engaging.)

Sunday May 21st - Sun enters Gemini

The sun enters Gemini and we begin our yearly adventure into the people, places and learnings that light us up! That make our cheeks hurt from laughing or talking so much. That has us wanting to learn about the trillion different things we just discovered from that documentary. Here we prioritize the importance of connection - of the life-giving energy an exciting, inspiring conversation can have. Of how a new book can feel like an old friend. Here we write, talk, party, learn, until our eyes glaze over. And then we come back for more! But with the remembrance that if the mind begins to spin wildly, if too much movement has left your nervous system on the fritz, the earth is always there to bring you back down into your body.  

Sunday May 28th - Sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces

Today brings a start - stop feeling to it. A juxtaposition of feeling excited for all that lies ahead... and the confusion and doubt in how to make it happen. It's a day to really, truly watch that inner critics voice. To catch any defeating voices that might be itching to the surface, making you doubt your capabilities. Because it's also a day that gives us so much potential in emerging into our own authority. Emerging into the leader of our own lives. Of realizing that self-doubt comes with the territory of being human. But it's whether or not we give it any power over us that defines our true strength. 

Have a great month!
Xx Faye


June Astrology Forecast


April Astrology Forecast