June Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the June Astrology Forecast!
The first month free of eclipses since March, there’s a forward momentum that begins to be felt again. A forging ahead despite two planets going retrograde. There’s love and passion and creativity in the air - and a stark look at what might be inhibiting that. Sudden shocks and charged moments; deep tenderness and the power of receptivity - this month has it all! Read on to find out about the major astrology dates of the month.
Saturday June 3rd - Sagittarius Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Sunday June 4th - Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Still buzzing from the full moon, today holds the potential for 'a'-ha' moments and unexpected encounters. Mindblowing revelations and ideas appearing from 'nowhere', insights into our own inner workings gaining more clarity. It's a day that can feel ripe with potential and energy towards walking our path ahead. It's a day that can leave us feeling spinny and have our nervous systems on the fritz if we don't take the time to ground. Call the friend, write that text, listen to that bird's song - there are immensely profound messages available to us today.
Monday June 5th - Venus enters Leo
Oh heeeeeeeeeey girl! Venus enters Leo and we show up with a bang! We wear our ball gown to morning breakfast because why not. We grab the microphone from the professional singer because f*ck it! Here Venus reminds us what it's like to live from what lights us up. What makes us burst with joy. What gets our creative juices flowing. Here Venus reminds us what it's like to sink into our own inner Queen/King. To value play as a resource. To value ourselves as the uniquely special beings we are. It's a time to let loose, dance till dawn, have those overdue lovefests with friends, break out in dance at the grocery store. Venus will go retrograde in Leo at the end of July so we'll have ample time to work with this energy - more on that to come!
Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
Just hours after entering Leo, Venus connects with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, to help us meet what we may be afraid to look at. To feel what we may have been afraid to feel. Here we traverse our inner landscape, meeting all the companions along the way - whether they be burning passion, intense cravings for intimacy, feelings of shame, bubbling over fear, or doubts over self-worth. It's a day that asks us to excavate what we may be hiding, to feel empowered by knowing that our greatest potential lies in meeting (and loving) the dark crevices of our being.
Sunday June 11th - Mercury enters Gemini
Mercury enters his home sign Gemini and gets us excited for all the gazillion possibilities to come. Gives our ideas and conversations extra oomph. Gives our minds the freedom to go buck wild and follow all the threads that fill us with intrigue and curiosity. Here we prioritize our communications - how we express ourselves, how we share our voice in the world. Here Mercury reminds us that we all have something to say - that it is possible to go to the six parties in one evening, take every course we’ve every expressed interest in. That connecting with likeminded souls can be the deepest nourishment available to us sometimes.
Pluto retrogrades back to Capricorn
After a stint in Aquarius since March, Pluto retrogrades back through Capricorn to allow us to reassess if there are any structures in our lives making us feel captive still. If we have outgrown our current container. If we are still transforming any storylines that aren't necessarily ours. It's a transit that is felt more on the global scale than the personal - so while in Capricorn until Jan 2024, watch for anything coming to light around financial systems, governments and structures that may be in (desperate) need of an update.
Sunday June 18th - Gemini New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces
Today brings with it the potential for out of this world excitement and dreaminess - or - sleepiness, fogginess and confusion. It's a day that may have us feeling adrift. Our once clear path covered mist. Miscommunications and misdirection flittering about. It's a day to steep yourself in trust and faith in your chosen path. To know you don't have to know. To surrender to where life has guided you to in this moment. To trust that it is exactly where you need to be. And to remember to give yourself a hefty dose of self-compassion and love if that logical mind starts to take over and tell you otherwise.
Monday June 19th - Saturn goes Retrograde
Saturn makes his first retrograde through his new sign of Pisces and we pause to reflect, reimagine, revamp where we have been showing up as the leader of our own lives - and where we have been giving that authority away. A collective transit, we feel this less personally, however these moments allow us to pause and ponder these themes in our lives. Where do we feel constricted, where do we feel we need to take more ownership; what are we building in our lives and is it true to who we are. If you know the area of your chart that Saturn is travelling through, this could be a clue!
Wednesday June 21st - Sun enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
The sun enters Cancer and we sink into what fills us up. We nourish ourselves. We feel our feels. We trust our gut. The only sign ruled by the moon, here we have a profound opportunity to sink into our cyclical nature. To the power of receiving. To watch our emotions, our energy, wax and wane and wax again. To feel the stability of feeling rooted within ourselves. Within our bodies. Here our desire for those that make us feel safe, to find the places we feel we belong, comes into prominence. We remember that our sensitivities are our superpower and now is the time to lead from them.
Monday June 26th - Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Today wants us to be bold. To take action. To fight for what makes us, us. It's a day that comes with a passionate charge. That comes with an electricity that can either be revolutionary or destructive. Propell us on our path or burn it to the ground. It's a day to not engage with any flaring tempers (including your own!). To pause before you act. To remember that the fire felt within - whether supportive or all-encompassing - has the potential to fill us with the courage and will to forge ahead and break new ground. As long as we don't burn everything and everyone to smithereens getting there.
Mercury enters Cancer
After a whiz through Gemini (just the way he'd like it!), Mercury enters Cancer and our thoughts and conversations take on more of a tenderness. Lead from our feelings rather than our logic. Here Mercury wants us to communicate how we feel emotionally safe and secure. How we express ourselves when our sensitivities have been poked. It's a time to let your gut instincts lead. To hear the messages from your body, the wisdom of your soul. And if you feel yourself craving the safety and security of your own shell, honour that implicitly.
Friday June 30th - Neptune stations Retrograde
Neptune joins the retrograde party (Pluto & Saturn) to allow us to sink into his gifts of contemplation and introspection. To see where we need more trust and faith in our lives, where we need more self-compassion. Although not a planet that impacts us personally, retrogrades always allow us to examine our relationship to slowing down, what it feels like when we're not blazing ahead. If you know the area of your chart Neptune is transiting through, have a look to see where more meaning and magic might be needed.
Have a great month!
Xx Faye