April Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the April forecast!
After a powerful, doozy of a March, April comes in to both slow things down and shake things up. We venture into our own (and potentially others) underworlds; we have moments of illumination and supportive help in our journeys in this life. We remember the pleasures that come with being human, and the vast potential for joy that comes when living through our senses, with living through our bodies.
We are met with a powerful second new moon (eclipse!) in Aries, before we slow things down with mercury going retrograde the following day. It’s a time to use the first half of the month as an opportunity to set things in motion, to plant your personal life seeds, before the unpredictable nature of the second half of the month swoops in. Read on for some of the most potent dates of the month - enjoy!
Monday April 3: Mercury enters Taurus
After a fiery, powerful stint in Aries, Mercury moves into Taurus and asks us to... wait...pause before we speak. It wants to savour each word, each thought, before moving onto the next. It wants to play the long game in its communications, oozing a sultry pleasure in the slowness of its speech. It wants to remind us of the deep relationship between our minds and our bodies, and how they are in constant communication with each other. Here Mercury reminds us that we can use our words, our mind, to elicit pleasure in our days and our interactions. Or - we can get so stubborn and fixated in our own ideas, rigid in our ways of thinking, that we become the immovable boulder. Mercury goes retrograde towards the end of the month, so we'll have ample time to explore these themes - just the way Taurus likes it :)
Mercury squares Pluto
Just hours after Mercury enters Taurus, the Guide of the Souls, our Messenger, takes us into the shadows. Takes us into the thought patterns, conversations and concepts that might make us squirm. That might feel "too real" for where we're at. That might cause things to bubble up from the depths of our selves, of others. It's a day to remember the power and potency of your words - for better or for worse. To choose to empower yourself, and others, with the potency of your voice - rather than wielding that power over someone. It's a day to take with a grain of salt - to remember any blowouts aren't yours to take on, to remember the profound healing that lives within the tough conversations.
Wednesday April 5th - Sun in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries
Today we illuminate our inner teacher, our inner healer that lives deep within us all, within our very bones. It's a day to reflect on just how far we've in our journey in this life, in transmuting our past pains into our greatest teachers. It's a day that can feel both tender as we hold the parts of ourselves that have traversed such hardships - and a day of empowerment as we recognize them to be the very gifts we get to share with the world.
Thursday April 6th - Libra Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Tuesday April 11th - Venus enters Gemini
Venus leaves her home realm of Taurus to enter the buzzing, playful, let's connect!!! world of Gemini. Here Venus gets her pleasure through enlightening coversations, of connection through sharing one's own ideas and thoughts with others. Through clicking 'attend' to all the party invites, ready to burst onto the scene with as much wit and cache as possible. Here Venus reminds us of how powerful, pleasureable it is to connect with likeminded people. The high that comes with learning about 'that thing' that has been on your mind for days/months/years. It's a time to get curious about what interests you, to remember the potency of play, to priortize the connections that light you up from head to toe.
Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries
Today is a day to plant your magical seeds! With the sun and Jupiter joining forces in the sky together, it’s a day to remember to dream unabashedly big. Jupiter - the Great Expander, the planet associated with luck and abundance - gives a sprinkle of fairy dust into anything we begin to put in motion for ourselves. Gives a gigantic gold star for showing up, showing ourselves, for exactly who we are. It’s a day that wants us to believe in what is possible for our future, whether we can see the stepping stones ahead of us or not. Especially if we can’t see the stepping stones. And if any impatience or anger takes over, remember it’s a powerful energy of yours asking to be wielded . It’s a day to not hold back, to lead from a idgaf attitude, and to truly, fully know just how special and unique you are to this world.
Friday April 14th - Venus in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces
Today brings with it the potential for feeling constricted. Stifled. Stuck. In our communications, in our connections, in our minds. It's a day that can bring cloudy confusion as to what it is we're actually trying to say, what it is we actually want. Our shadows coming to the surface, whether that be hearing the harsh self-talk we berate ourselves with, or feeling that piercing criticism towards another. But it's also a day to reclaim our own inner strength. To remember we have a right to say what needs to be said. To stand up for ourselves when necessary. To take ownership over what, and who, brings pleasure and genuine connection in our lives - and to gracefully release what doesn't.
Thursday April 20th: Aries New Moon Eclipse - stay tuned for the moon musing! It’s a powerful one!!
Sun enters Taurus
The sun enters Taurus and we begin to slowww dowwwwn after the heat of Aries. Like a cooling cloth, in Taurus we remember to pause before we leap, to move slowly and mindfully through our days. To come back into the wisdom that lives within our bodies when we're slow enough to hear its messages. To the joy that comes when living through the senses (stop and smell those springtime roses!). Here we focus on what it is we truly value - and how to create a life that supports that. How we can feel secure in our days, what resources we need to feel stable. It's a time to remember that it's possible to move methodically and practically while infusing pleasure and presence into each and every sensual moment.
Sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius
On this powerful day, we meet the Lord of the Underworld for an investigation, an excavation into ourselves. Where we hide our power, where we exert our power, and what (and who) makes us feel powerless. It's a day that may have us questioning ourselves, our path. Like a sewer overflowing, a plethora of self-doubts, of fears, of exhaustion spills over into our waking life. And - we meet it. We hold it. We feel exhausted from the relentless life journey we're on and know that that’s ok. We cradle the parts of ourselves that are scared and see that as our strength. We conserve our own power by not engaging with those that threaten it. It's a day full of empowerment, of transformation, if we are willing to truly meet ourselves exactly as we are.
Friday April 21st - Mercury in Taurus goes retrograde (until May 15th)
It's that time! Mercury goes retrograde and we get ample time to slow down, sink in. Taurus is a sign that likes to take things slow, wants time to solidify the things that really matters, so with mercury retrograde, slowing down is the new speeding up. Of not getting frustrated if things feel they're moving at a snail's pace. Of not being too stuck, too rigid in your plans, in your conversations. We're getting a double dose of having to go slowly (something our society does not value!), so... embrace it! Be like the honey that oh so slowly drips off the spoon. Get into deep, profound conversations with your body. Listen and reflect on its messages. Get still enough to hear its wisdom. This is a profound time to remember that receptivity to the world and messages around you is a superpower - especially when we give ourselves the permission to do so!
Have a great month!
Xx Faye