March Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the BIG March Forecast! 

This. is. a. MONTH!

All personal planets change signs (the first time since August), we have collective and generational shifts - what astrologers have all been talking about/waiting for! There are wounds surfacing and healing, the astrological new year starting, drifting Neptunian waters and a whole lot more! 

You'll be seeing more emails from me this month as I bring you into the energies of these big happenings to help you contexualize what the eff is going on :)

Members of the Patreon will receive special videos going more in depth about the major happenings (Saturn entering Pisces; Jupiter conjunct Chiron; and the big Pluto entering Aquarius) - so if you're interesting in joining the community and taking your astrology interest to the next level, find all the info here

And now, buckle up... here we go! 

March 2 - Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries 

The goddess of love and pleasure meets up with the Great Expander today to illuminate where we have and have not been taking action in supporting our personal needs, desires and values. Where we feel an intense agitation, restlessness, towards the aspects of ourselves (or others) that feel as if they are inhibiting us. That a surfacing of some of our deepest wounds, especially around relationships, may bubble to the surface. That a deep deep healing of what is possible in our relationship to experiencing joy and pleasure - of asking for it, of prioritizing it - is ours for the taking. 

Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius 

At the final degree of Aquarius, Mercury and Saturn join forces to help us communicate what it is that we actually want; what it is we are working towards - and who and what will support us in those endeavours. It's a day that can feel both buzzy and confining. Our thoughts spinning wildly, our doubts peeking through. It's a day that we can use to voice the harder aspects of our current reality, of what we may be thinking, to those we know will hold us in that space. 

        Mercury enters Pisces

Off the heels of his conjunction with Saturn, Mercury enters Pisces and we enter a cycle of remembering that sometimes words can't describe what we're feeling. What we're experiencing. That words may elude us in favour of listening through our felt-sense nature. That our messages and communications turn towards the invisible realm. That dancing snow can give you the message you've been needing. That wisdom lives in the listening of the world around you, within you. So if you're struggling for words, to express yourself, swim and release into those drifty waters knowing others are drifting alongside you.

March 7 - Saturn enters Pisces - stay tuned for a special email! 

Virgo Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing 

March 12 - Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries - stay tuned for a special email! 

March 14 - Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces 

Today brings a friction. A tension point. A buzziness of the mind spinning rapidly about all you want to accomplish. A desire to do it ALL and get everything done - and then some. And - a deeeeep desire to do none of it. Of feeling exhausted. A "wired but tired" energy. Of feeling adrift within one's own imaginings. Of that once clear path ahead feeling cloaked in fog, confusion. It's a day that asks if you're feeling that way, to surrender to it. To not fight it. To remember that clarity will come again, to slow down rather than speed up amidst the fog, remembering, trusting, that it will inevitably clear and the path ahead will glisten again.  

March 15 - Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (square Mars)

Off the heels of Mars' tension point yesterday, today the Sun merges with Neptune to bring us deeply into our own inner imaginings. To cast us out into our own internal ocean, allowing us to drift and dream and float in the water with the sun basking down on us. Feeling held, loved, hopeful. Or - to send us out onto the wild waves, of not knowing which way is up. Of being at the mercy of our feelings, of feeling utterly helpless. It's a day that can leave us elated or depleted. Of feeling inspired or in despair. It's a day to ride the waves, to ask for help from the invisibles, to remember the power that comes when you surrender to exactly where you are.  

March 16 - Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces 

Today words and thoughts sail out to sea. Communicating becomes less about words and more about inner imaginings. That if your words elude you, if there are miscommunications dancing around you, this is a day to take everything with a grain of (sea) salt. To voice your dreams but don't be dissuaded if they aren't understood fully. If you can't express them concretely. That your mind may take you on an inner voyage of discovery and exploration. That messages from the invisible realm are just itching to be heard, felt, acknowledged. So pause. Rest. Be. And let the messages wash over you. 

Venus enters Taurus 

Venus leaves the fire of Aries to return to her home realm of Taurus. Here she is elaaaaated. She is cloaked in her pleasurable pleasantries. She adorns herself in her softest clothes, her favourite fragrances, cooks her most decadent meals.  Here she reminds us of the pleasure it is to be human. To live through the senses. She brings us back into our bodies, into embodiment - and reminds us how that is our surest gateway into worlds of elated pleasure and presence. That we are sens-ual beings that deserve to feel pleasure, joy, elation and love. This is the time to live from what fills you with pleasure - savour that piece of chocolate until it drips down your chin; dance freely and wildly like the god/goddess you are; cook that fantasy meal and open that special bottle of wine just for you. 

March 17 - Mercury conjunct Sun in Pisces (superior conjunction)

Today we listen. We get quiet to hear the messages from our surroundings. From the visible and invisible realms. Here there is an opportunity to receive insights and guidance from our guides, our helpers, our intuition, our Soul. Here we don't try and intellectualize what is coming through to us. We absorb it. We simmer in it. We know that there is only so far our logical minds can take us - and today we trust in the magical workings of our inner life. Of trusting what becomes illuminated, whichever direction it guides us towards, remembering there is a grander cosmic flow taking you to the waters you have always longed for.  

March 19 - Mercury enters Aries 

After a driftiness and potential confusion while swimming through Pisces, Mercury enters Aries and we find our voice again. Loudly. Assertively. Here Mercury wants us to say exactly what we need to say. Now. Unabashedly. Confidently. Here Mercury reminds us to forge ahead and express ourselves with gusto. With the remembrance that we all have a right to say exactly what we need to say. But don't forget that if you're saying what needs to be said with a idgaf attitude - most likely so are others ;) So don't engage with fighting words, with those taking an aggressive approach. Express yourself from your truest place and feel confident in showing up for yourself. 

March 20 - Sun enters Aries / Spring Equinox / Astrological New Year - special email 

March 21 - Aries New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing 

March 23 - Pluto enters Aquarius - special email 

March 25 - Mars enters Cancer 

Having been in Gemini for an unprecedented seven months (!), our inner warrior finally leaves the mental, 'do it all as quickly as possible but change your mind about a hundred times in the process' realm to sink into the nourishing waters of Cancer. Here our priorities shift. Our need and desire for nourishment increases. Of slowing it down enough to come back into our Selves. There might feel a bit of a lackluster momentum. Of a less directed energy towards our goals. But here the warrior gets nourished by the Great Mother after so much mental and physical movement. A repose before the fire of Leo ignites us once again. 

March 30 - Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus  

The Great Awakener, the Disrupter comes to play with Venus. Here we return to the 'expect the unexpected' mantra. That sudden breakthroughs or breakdowns may emerge, especially around our relationships - to ourselves, our bodies, others. Our need for control may be confronted with the reminder that we don't really have any. That what once felt stable may feel more precarious. That illuminations into what needs to shift, change, or be dismantled become unmistakingly clear. That we have an opportunity to shift long held, deeply embedded patternings. That we have the opportunity to start a new chapter that feels in alignment to who we are now. A new opportunity to come into better alignment with our Selves, with others. That what has felt too fixed, for too long, gets a necessary revamp/revival - whether we may be ready for it or not. 

Have a great (potentially unpredictable) month! 

Xx Faye


April Astrology Forecast


February Astrology Forecast