June Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the June Forecast! 

It’s a mixed bag this month! Opportunities for clarity and new ways forward; for magical gifts and a new level of ease and flow. And - Opportunities for confusion and chaos, leaving us wondering which way is up, who we even are anymore. A palpable shift from the intellect (Gemini energy) into the the feels (Cancer). And with any change of season, a beautiful marker of what we want to leave behind, and what shimmering roads we see ahead. So let’s get into it!

Monday June 3 - Mercury enters Gemini

Mercury enters his home domain and here he reminds us of the power of our thoughts, the potency of our words. Here we are reminded to follow the magical breadcrumbs of what interests us; what has us reading for hours, debating for days and makes our eyes go wide with intrigue and curiosity. It's a time to get your messages and communications out loud and clear. To priorotize connection with those that engage you, interest you, and gab until the cows come home. Get your pens out, your voice clear and let the world know what you're truly thinking! 

Tuesday June 4  - Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Venus conjunct Sun

There's some playful magic in the air today! Jupiter connects with Mercury to bring some magic to our conversations and connections, while Venus renews herself in the Sun's shimmering glow to be reborn afresh. Today is the type of day that beckons you to believe in what is possible. To dream about a life that is aligned with who you are, what you value, what brings you joy. It's a day to cast your magic and write your dreams and intentions down. To speak your affirmations and desires loud and passionately, to declare yourself the creator of your own reality. 

Thurs June 6 - Gemini New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Sat June 8 - Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Today has us pushed up against any constraints that may limit us - our feelings of worthiness, our belief in what's possible, our nagging self-doubt. That has us looking at ourselves, or our relationships, with that much more scrutiny. It's a day that can have us feeling a little uncomfortable, a little more grey than rose coloured. Or - an incredible opportunity to meet those constraints, those voices, and move through into an expanded version of yourself. 

Sun June 9 - Mars enters Taurus 

Mars enters Taurus after his fiery stint in Aries to remind us that not all action has to happen now. That sometimes the best action is the slow and steady build, the one that takes its time to solidify so it can have lasting power rather than burning out in a flash. Here Mars reminds us to put our energy, our willpower behind what it is that we truly value, what fills our hearts with joy. Are we pointing our arrow towards something that we actually want? Because now's the time to readjust if not. 

                     Sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces

                        Right after Venus squares off with Saturn, the Sun follows suit and we are once again reminded of some of the constraints we feel in life. The harsh reality checks, the prison of time, the voice that tells us we're not good enough. Our road ahead may feel a little less clear, a little less attainable. Until we remember that it is exactly these moments that Saturn graces us with. The opportunity to persevere. The chance to move beyond our limiting constraints. The authority that comes with standing firmly in exactly who we are in this moment in time. 

Tues June 11 - Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius 

The days building up to today may feel even more charged than usual. Loaded. Something powerful bubbling below the surface wanting to burst. Something that has been stuck is ready to shift, to be transformed. There are opportunities to feel empowered and to sink into your deepest potential, committing to your path ahead and having the courage to do so. And there are opportunities for flare-ups, blow-outs and instances of impatience, even rage, making themselves known. It's a day to stay in your own lane, to work towards what it is YOU want to accomplish in your life, and to not let any power grabs or manipulative tactics gain traction in your life. 

Fri June 14 - Mercury conjunct Sun in Gemini (superior conjunction)

With Mercury and Sun meeting up in Gemini, today is THE day for those ideas, conversations, daydreams, new learnings that have been swirling about to finally take hold. It is a day that wants you to remember how powerful a magician you are - able to cast magic and change reality by the quality and content of your thoughts. It's a day to get pen to paper, to call that friend, to start your book, to read until dawn. It reminds us of the power of curiosity, the nourishment of play, and how integral a medicine they are to our lives. 

Sunday June 16 - Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Today has us swimming in either rose-coloured water of mystery and fantasy, or murky waters of confusion and chaos. It's a set up that takes us out onto rocky waters. That has us elated and inspired one minute; that may have us crashing down into despair the next. Of 'true colours' showing themselves, of conversations misinterpreted and taken out to sea. So if you're feeling confused, ungrounded, in a daze - that's ok! If you let go and surrender to it, you may even enjoy those rocky waters. 

Monday June 17 -  Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces & Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini 

                               Just before both planets move into Cancer, Venus and Mercury meet up in the sky for a final dance in Gemini, making sure to say goodbye to Neptune in the process. The outcome? Miscommunications and misinterpretations. Foggy brains and unclear sentiments. Exhaustion and confusion mixed with daydreams and desires behind every nook. It's a mixed bag! So watch for typos and "I didn't mean it that way" , of confessions of love and "I've been waiting so long to hear that". 

Venus & Mercury enter Cancer

                            Today two of our three personal planets move into Cancer and we feel, well... we feel that much more. Our words become more tender, softer. Our messages come from a gut instinct rather than a fleeting thought. We soften our edges so we can receive more - receive more support, more intuitive hits, more of what we need. What we long for. Themes of family, of home, of belonging, of what makes us feel safe come to the forefront. And - we may feel increasingly sensitive, that much more emotional, and even, well, goddamn crabby! So welcome all, and let the ruler of Cancer, the Moon, remind us how fleeting each phase/emotion truly is.


Thurs June 20 - Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 

                         Just before the Sun leaves Gemini, it squares Neptune continuing the theme this week of confusion and illusions; of exhaustion mixed with elation. Of feeling crazy inspired one minute, and in total despair the next. It teaches us to surrender to what appears; to not attach since it will be fleeting in the next minute; and if you're able to, let everything dissolve before you to see what remains on the other side. 

                        - Sun enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)

                        While swimming in Neptune's waters, the Sun emerges out into the sign of Cancer to mark the change of seasons, the Summer Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter in the South. Here we are reminded of our innate gifts that lie within. The power of a gut instinct. The flash of intuition. The safety our created nests give us. It's a time to sink into the softer side of life and priortize what it is that makes you feel fully. So if you're feeling great mother energy one minute, and crabby as fuck the next, be grateful that you are aware enough to be feeling the whole spectrum of being human. 

Fri June 21 - Capricorn Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Fri June 28 - Saturn stations retrograde 

                      Saturn makes his yearly retrograde until November, not impacting our days greatly but instead giving us a chance to pause, reflect, and regroup on a theme Saturn may have been presenting to you lately (for a clue, look to what house Saturn is transiting through in your chart). It's a time to (as my mum often says) 'get your ducks in a row'. Do the mundane, less fun but really need to happen tasks. Of revising any work plans, of revisiting any outdated modes of working. Get the ground work done so when Saturn starts moving ahead again we’ll be sure we’re on the right path.

Have a great month!
Xx Faye


July Astrology Forecast 2024


May Astrology Forecast