May Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the May Forecast! This month brings in much Uranian ‘let’s shake it up!’ energy, both a powerful new and full moon to work with, and the much anticipated move of Jupiter into Gemini (after a year in Taurus). The energy changes and so do we! Read on for how to work with some of the most significant dates of the month.

Wed May 1st - Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius 

Our worth. Our confidence. What we value in this world - what we value in ourselves comes up for review. Comes up against the stories we tell ourselves that have made us feel less than. We turn on our inner flashlight and begin to explore our inner worlds, the nooks and crannies of our deepest scars and our even deeper desires. It's a day that asks us to be tender with our prickly edges and feelings. And to wade through all the darkness to find our shimmering jewels within. 

Friday May 3 - Pluto stations retrograde
Pluto begins his yearly retrograde and while we don’t feel this retrograde personally (like Mercury or Venus), we still take stock as it gives us a chance to re-view, re-visit, re-work our relationship to all things Pluto; money - desires - shame - power - death. Where are we holding ourselves back, and what needs to be finally released so that we can transform into our truest potential.

Tuesday May 7 - Taurus New Moon (stay tuned for the moon musing)

Monday May 13 - Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus 

Breakthroughs and breakdowns. Insights you've been waiting for and unexpected shocks that shake shit up. Today has the potential to change our course, set us on a newly inspired path. Or recommit to our current one in a new way. A way that is so uniquely specific to your awesomeness. No longer giving the fucks of what others may think, of who or who doesn't approve. It's a day that has us either responding to the sudden shifts in our lives, or releases any feelings of stuck-ness that you're finally ready to release. Burst forth from stagnation. Burst forth into the version of you you're' ready to share with the world. 

Wed May 15 - Mercury enters Taurus

Mercury enters Taurus and we cool off from the fire of Aries and begin to take more time with our words. We begin to slow down and take the time simmering in our own daydreams and thoughts. We want to connect to the people, places, things that bring an extra dose of beauty and pleasure to our lives. That bring value into our life. To talk to the blooming flowers, to communicate through a tender touch. 

Fri May 17 - Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius 

Today challenges any too rigid viewpoints. Anything we've been too stubborn to compromise on. It's a day that brings with it the potential for getting into it. Into our most limiting beliefs. Into tough conversations with others. Into speaking from our deepest truth. Words might have an extra prickliness to them. Patience might be running low with others. Or you realize you feel powerful enough to say the things you always wished you could say. 

Sat May 18 - Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

                    - Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus 

Wrapping these two aspects into one, today is a powerful day to work with! The sun meets with jupiter to enhance and expand what it is we're putting our future visions towards. Venus dances with Uranus and asks us to have the courage to value every aspect of ourselves, no matter how weird or unconventional. Sudden shifts and illuminating insights around relationships pervail. Edginess and restlessness meet a deep desire to slowwww alllll theee waaaay dowwwwwwn. Use today to plant some 'what if it all was possible' seeds and nurture them with your uncompromising belief in them. 

Monday May 20 - Sun enters Gemini

The Sun enters Gemini and we trade lying in fields for epic gabfests. Slowing down for speeding the eff up so we can explore, learn, get curious about anything and everything that comes our way. Here we remember the immense value of PLAY! That not everything has to be so serious, so harsh sometimes. That there is a time and place to prioritize the long chats and belly laughs. To spend your days researching about that one place you heard about ten years ago you just remembered. To communicate your unique ideas and thoughts and connect with likeminded folks. 

Thurs May 23 - Sagittarius Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

                        - Venus enters Gemini

Venus enters gemini and we get our inner flirt out! We place value on the people and learnings that really make us think; make us laugh; make us feel playful and child-lke. Here Venus wants us to have the conversations that leave us wanting more, pursue our interests that make our heart come alive. If you're wanting to writes those stories, start your podcast or tell the world what you really think, now's the time. Go on, flirt with life! Knowing life is right there to flirt with you back.  

Sat May 25 - Jupiter enters Gemini

The biggest transit of the month, and one of the most noteworthy of the year, Jupiter leaves Taurus after a year and gets ready to spend the next year expanding and illuminating the part of our charts that Gemini rules (if you don't know, just reach out!). This is when that part of our charts gets a little extra oomph. A couple doses of magic. A sprinkling of ease. Get ready for social media streams to be floundering in content. Get ready to put into action any communications or writings or teachings you've been dying to share. This is - the year! This is about sharing our voices, connecting with our peeps, learning the new topics that have always peaked your interest. With a hefty dose of Gemini energy, just remember that all that movement, all the fun and play and connections - need to be balanced with slowing down, finding space and making sure you're not solely living from your mind. 

Fri May 30 - Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus 

A day to pay attention! To your writings, to your daydreams, to your conversations. Remaining open to sudden a-ha moments and glimpses of much-welcomed clarity. It can also come with unexpected conversations, words having an edge to them, "where did that come from?" moments. If you like to write, today's the day to immerse yourself in your own words and worlds and see what emerges. And if you're on the receiving end of someone else's sudden outburst - don't engage. Go smell the flowers, retreat into your own daydreams. Don't fight fire with fire today, nobody will win. 

Have a great month!
Xx Faye


June Astrology Forecast


April Astrology Forecast