July Astrology Forecast 2024

Welcome to the July Astrology Forecast! 

We start the month off in some of Neptune’s watery (often confusing) ways before gaining some traction and clarity forward. There’s moments of great elated joy and pleasure and empowerment; there’s moments of tension and impatience and meeting the shadows. And we are reminded that this ever present paradox is exactly what it means to be human :) Read on for the most significant dates this month!

Tuesday July 2 - Neptune stations Retrograde

If you've felt thrown into chaos; that confusion and fogginess are more the norm these days - we can thank Neptune in part for that! Neptune has been in its final minutes of the final degree of the final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces. In its home sign since 2011, here Neptune dissolves and creates a vast field of no-thingness - leaving spaciousness and pure potential for the new when the planet moves into Aries March 2025. But today Neptune goes retrograde in these final minutes, giving us an intimate experience with Neptune's themes - of elation and bliss. Of loss and despair. Of chaos and confusion and delusion; of inner knowing, unseen supports and miracles. So ride the waves, loosen your grip, and remember to ask for help. 

                          - Mercury enters Leo 

Mercury leaves the land of the feels to grab the microphone, find centre stage and let the world hear what they really think. Here we're reminded that we all have something important and unique to contribute, to say. That yes, sometimes it takes an extra dose of courage to speak from the heart - but it's always worth it. Here Mercury wants you to connect and vibe with the people that light you up and make you feel special. To find that courage and confidence deep within, always there to call upon when you remember. It's a time to embrace the medicine of play, the power of a laugh, the potency of having a little bit of extra fun. 

Wednesday July 3 - Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Today brings with it the power and potential to go deep. To have the conversations you'd been putting off, to hear the news you didn't expect. It's a day that calls upon our inner resources to say what needs to be said; to deflect any sharp words and to remember the potency of speaking your authentic truth. 

Friday July 5 - Cancer New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Thursday July 11 - Venus enters Leo

Venus enters Leo and we remember that it's ok to take centre stage sometimes; that sometimes the best medicine is connecting with those that make you howl with laughter. While in Leo, Venus reminds us that it's not vanity that makes someone wear their 10-inch heels to the grocery store (ok, maybe somestimes it is). But that it illicits joy and pleasure within them by doing so. So now's the time to throw caution to the wind, try the hairstyle you've always wanted, redo the wardrobe and play and flirt with life! 

Friday July 12 - Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius 

As Venus enters Leo in all her glittering beauty, she immediately meets Pluto, Lord of the Underworld to take us inward. To go down, deep. We may feel confronted with looming feelings of self-doubt; we may feel sudden bursts of envy, jealousy, rage or loneliness. We may feel a bubbling energy inside that forces us to stand up for ourselves, stand in our deepest power. It's a day that may bring some tense, icky feelings - but they are just your gateway through to a truer you. 

Monday July 15 - Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus 

Time to shake shit up! This combo comes with quite the punch and the potential to manifest in many ways. The highest expression? Things that have felt stuck for way too goddamn long finally feel like they're freeing up, that there's space and potential again. There may be sudden insights and a-ha moments you've been waiting for around new or next directions. Of where you want to show up in your life and put your energy behind. Or - it could manifest as brash and explosive outbursts. Of sudden mishaps. Of anger and agitation and a restlessness that can't be contained. It may have you spewing fire or tending your wounds. But above all, it has the potential to set you on a new course in alignment with who you truly are and what you really value. 

Saturday July 20 - Mars enters Gemini

Afters slowing down in Taurus, Mars enters Gemini to ramp back into high gear and DO THE THINGS! Here Mars wants us to explore what interests us. Sign up for that new course, get the book you've been eyeing for years. It's a time when we may feel buzzing with ideas. Where we want to connect with others and forge plans for your new book. It's a time that may have many light bulbs going off overhead - but just remember that if you spread yourself too thin travelling all the ways your mind is taking you, you might collapse in exhaustion before realizing any! 

Sunday July 21 - Capricorn Full Moon (second) - stay tuned for the moon musing !

                          Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 

On the same day as the full moon, Mercury, the communicator, squares off with Uranus, the cosmic rebel-rouser. Think - wildly outlandish proclamations. Think potent downloads and clarity on ways forward. Think sharp tongues and stinging words. It's a day that beckons us to speak our authentic truths, to say what needs to be said, and to think before you speak the words you might regret. 

Monday July 22 - Sun enters Leo 

The sun enters Leo, his home domain, and with it comes a refresh from the watery ways of Cancer. We've gone deep, we've felt the feels. We've (hopefully) nurtured and replenished ourselves. Now - let's use that energy to show up and speak out! Here we're reminded that courage means living our authentic selves, living from the heart (the root word of courage!). Lighting up the world by lighting yourself up first with what makes your heart sing and your eyes grow wild. Be the eternal child, play as if your sanity depends on it (I mean, it kinda does ;) ), love and laugh deeply and allow that inner spark to fill your entire being. Be the sun and let your power and warmth radiate!

Thursday July 25 - Mercury enters Virgo

Mercury enters his home domain of Virgo and here reminds us how satiating, how satisfying getting into the nitty gritty can be. To get the magnifying glass out, to sift through the noise and distill what's really there. Here we're going for the details, the analysis behind the words, the red pen ready to review, edit and give all the (unasked for) criticisms. For the editors and writers out there, this is your time! 

Have a great month! 

Xx Faye


August Astrology Forecast 2024


June Astrology Forecast