December 2024 Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the December Forecast!
This month has us slowing down. With two of three “personal planets” (planets that impact us on a personal level, rather than on a collective level) retrograde - Mercury and Mars - it’s a set up that asks us to honour where we’re at. Exhausted? Listen. Uninspired? Maybe that’s ok. Maybe there’s even a reason for that.
While Mercury stations direct mid-month, Mars will be retrograde until the end of February, giving us ample time to re-view, re-flect, re-set around all things Mars. More on that to come in a special email! But for now, here are some of the most noteworthy days of the month.
Sunday Dec 1 - Sagittarius New Moon - you can find the video below!
Wednesday Dec 4 - Sun in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces
Today, and over the last week, we may be feeling a little too big for our small container. A longing for a new perspective when we've become too myopic. A feeling of wanting to burst ahead - but feeling stuck on how to. We may feel tired from our long journey. We may feel agitated of why it's taking so long. We may feel a new inspiration on what path to take forward - and commit to the work it will take to get there. So whether you're feeling tension or inspiration; constriction or freedom, commit to putting one foot in front of the other towards what is ready to shift.
Thursday Dec 5 - Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Sagittarius (Inferior Conjunction)
Today is when we listen to our daydreams. When we heed the whispers of nightdreams. When we infuse our conversations and inner imaginings with hope and inspiration and all that is possible. Marking the beginning of Mercury's new cycle, today we pay attention. We see and feel what lights us up - and note it for the future when we need that support. We get curious of any words, writings, lyrics, conversations that hit a chord within - and explore the why behind it all.
Friday Dec 6 - Mars stations Retrograde - special email to come!
Neptune stations direct
Neptune finishes its yearly retrograde and we get more oompfh towards our daydreams again. Our need for connection becomes paramount. Our mystical selves are ready to lead again. So get the dream journal out. Take three hour baths. Drift and dream and envision what it is that lights your heart ablaze. Then believe it is truly possible.
Saturday Dec 7 - Venus enters Aquarius & Venus conjunct Pluto
Right when Venus enters Aquarius, she meets up with Pluto for a deep dive into all things Venus. Self-worth? Let's see what's really holding you back. Jealousy flare ups? What, or who's, story is guiding the way. Pluto wants us to go deep. It wants us to meet our shadows - and name them. Hold them. It's a time that can feel a little pricky, a little 'wooah, where did that come from?', a little like we're traversing our own underworlds. But a whole lot of empowerment if we choose to face what emerges. Greeting our shadows always leads us to more inner wealth.
Sunday Dec 15 - Gemini Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Mercury stations direct
Mercury finishes up his retrograde and we begin to integrate any insights, revelations, resets that may have appeared over the last couple of weeks. Happening on the same day as the Gemini full moon (ruled by Mercury), he wants us to get back to sharing our earth shattering breakthroughs. The perspectives only gained by slowing down. The nourishment that comes with inner reflection. So take to the soap box. Open up your philosophy books. Call the friend that inspires you and point your arrow forward again.
Saturday Dec 21 - Sun enters Capricorn (Winter/Summer Solstice)
Happening on the Winter/Summer Solstice, the Sun enters Capricorn and we bring our daydreams down to reality. We keep the long vision - but move practically, methodically one step at a time to prevent overwhelm. We remember that anything worth having comes with the dedication, the devotion to commit behind it. The perseverance to keep going without instant gratification. The knowing that as cliche as it sounds, every journey begins with one step. And then another. And then another. So while Mars is still retrograde and Mercury is only just returning to his oompfh, plan practically honouring your energy levels, your motivation. Your commitment to your path ahead could be as simply profound as taking ten belly breaths a day. That one step could lead you to the top of your mountain with time.
Saturday Dec 28 - Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Today may have an edge to it. An impatience. A 'fuck it' attitude. A restlessness and need for the new that has you contemplating burning it all to the ground. Here we feel the need to be seen as uniquely us, as weird and wild and eccentric as we can possibly be. Fitting into a box? HA! Try again! But be cognisant of lashing out. Or reacting rather than responding. Of spewing fire at someone who didn't know they were unwillingly in the crossfires. But the beauty, the power of the day, is that any tension or agitation can be harnessed towards shifting something that's ready to change. To say the thing that's been nagging at you. To step out of the small box and be seen in your fierce, incredible entirety. If there’s something that wants to push you out of your comfort zone, today’s the perfect day to do it!
Monday Dec 30 - Capricorn New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Have a great month!
Xx Faye