January 2025 Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the January forecast! 

While the astrological new year doesn’t begin until the Spring/Fall Equinox, you can’t help but escape the collective energy ushering in “the new”. And with that, we enter a new Nodal/Eclipse story for the next two-ish years (more on that to come!), and pack January with an extra dose of Aquarian energy - as well as underworld journeys. Mars is still taking us through his retrograde, re-entering Cancer so we can review, reflect and reassess the matters close to home and dear to our hearts. Here are some of the most noteworthy happenings on the month. Enjoy!

Thursday Jan 2 - Venus enters Pisces

Venus enters Pisces and feels at home here. Feels herself soften here. Feels, well... her feels! Here Venus wants us to lead from our hearts; from our inner imaginings. While in Pisces, Venus wants us to dream our wildest dreams, see the world through rose-coloured glasses, feel the overflowing love for another. She creates fantastical worlds, lets her creativity flow uninhibitedly - but just make sure to not mistake fantasy for the real. It may lead you further out to sea than you intended. 

Friday Jan 3 - Mars Rx (retrograde) in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

A dynamic duo that has been playing with us, challenging us, shaping us over the last year now. Mars and Pluto are two powerhouses - so when they come into a tense aspect such as today, we tend to feel it (or even the days leading up to today). Themes of power and powerlessness in our own lives. Feeling stuck at a standstill - and feeling the pressure to push through. This duo can feel a bit like fanning the flames. We can feel impatient, agitated, even furious with another, with ourselves. And it can be our truest guide into parts of ourselves that are ready to be healed. 

Monday Jan 6 - Mars Rx re-enters Cancer

Mars re-enters Cancer while retrograde, giving us another look into our relationship to slowing down, managing our own boundaries, and how we protect what we hold dear. While retrograde, Mars can have us feeling a little more lack-luster, a little more tired warrior than on the frontlines. So while in Cancer, we may feel an extra need to get cozy, go insuluar, to cocoon. And we may feel ourselves getting a little crabbier than usual if we don't honour our deepest needs - that of which only you know the answer to. So listen oh so deeply and nourish yourself the way you’ve always dreamt of.

Wednesday Jan 8 - Mercury enters Capricorn

After a prolonged stint in Sagittarius, Mercury comes in hot to Capricorn, whizzing through in a matter of weeks. So Mercury wants us to stop faffing around and put pen to paper. To log the dreams and plot the course of action. If you're wanting to tidy up loose ends from the previous year, Mercury in Capricorn is your best ally! It's a time to think methodically, practically. Been wanting to map out your memoirs? Ready to envision your business' year ahead? Want to repot all those plants? Now's the time! 

Monday Jan 13 - Cancer Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing! 

Saturday Jan 18 - Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Today the planet of love meets up with the planet of boundaries. With what we value and just how hard we're willing to work for it. Today can feel a mixed bag. It may feel a little constricting, a little 'grey' rather than multicoloured, a feeling of confinement. And/or - it can feel damn empowering knowing what we need to do to value ourselves. What mechanisms we need to put in place to honour our needs, our hearts, at this time. It can feel wildly empowering - if we don't get trapped in the confines of our own (constructed) limitations. 

Sunday Jan 19 - Sun enters Aquarius 

The sun enters Aquarius and we begin to take our visions beyond what the eye can see. Towards what's never been done. Towards the "unimaginable" - until it becomes possible. While in Aquarius, the sun helps us detach from the myopic scope of our lives and take a birds eye view. To see the systems and structures in place - and be unemotional in assessing whether they still work in our lives or not. Aquarius reminds us of the power of the collective, the power of the people. The power in believing another way is possible. So get your wildest, most eccentric ideas out there. Find your tribe of weirdos just like you. Start the revolution!

Tuesday Jan 21 - Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 

Soon after entering Aquarius the Sun joins with Pluto to give us a deep dive into our inner workings - and maybe even inner shadows. We may feel an old self, an old skin finally shedding, finally allowing new space in. We may feel ruthlessly stuck in our own ways, irritated by anyone challenging us to get outside of our comfort zones. We may feel as if we're walking alone in our own underworlds, meeting such guides as powerlessness, rage, shame and grief. We may feel that enough is finally enough and be ready, willing and able to step into our own version of empowerment, into our deepest potential. But only if we're willing to let go of what no longer serves us. 

Monday Jan 27 - Mercury enters Aquarius 

After a whirlwind in Capricorn, Mercury enters Aquarius and encourages us to think outside the box. To immerse ourselves in the concepts, theories and systems that set our minds ablaze. Here Mercury wants to express itself, ourselves, in our totality. To speak the words others are afraid to. To share the systemic frustrations and plot the revolutions ahead. So write the most out-there texts to anyone who will listen. Hypothesize about the state of the world with your dog. And let your unique, beautiful voice be heard loud and clear. 

Wednesday Jan 29 - North Node enters Pisces / South Node enters Virgo - Stay tuned for a special email! 

                               - Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 

Mercury meets up with Pluto in the sky to continue the underworld voyages. To peak our interest into the complexities of power dynamics. It's a time that may have the hard, unsaid things coming to the surface. The courage to speak one's own truth because you know you have a right to. There may be unexpected messages that filter through - some that catch you off-guard, some that demand your immediate attention. And some that leave you revelling in your own strength and power. 

                               - Aquarius New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing 

Thursday Jan 30 - Uranus stations direct 

Uranus finishes up his yearly retrograde and propels us forward again. What's called an "outer planet", Uranus retrogrades don't tend to leave a lasting impact on us like a mercury or mars retrograde (how you hanging in there??), but it still marks a moment in time where we begin to look forward rather than review the past. So while Uranus prepares for his big move into Gemini in July (much more on that to come), it's a time to lead from your eccentric. To value yourself in your entirely, especially for your uniqueness or 'out there' qualities. It wants us to refuse to settle for anything less than what we can imagine. And have the gall to put ourselves out there in an entirely new way. 

Wishing you all a year full of magic, wonder and ease! Have a great month!
Xx Faye


February 2025 Astrology Forecast


December 2024 Astrology Forecast