Musings on the Aries Full Moon - A love letter!


How are you, my dearest? It's a strange time, isn't it? Isn't it funny how one minute you can feel like you're going to burst with energy and have the drive to complete everything on the never-ending 'to-do' list, and the next your motivation is as dry as the scorched earth? I knowwwwww, I know. I can be a bit fickle, can't I? ;)

I can make you feel as powerful as the Amazon warrior one minute; as raw and delicate as a newborn's first kiss from the sun the next. You know why I do that though, right? 

Because you're YOU! 

And you can handle fucking anything. I promise that I would never give you anything more than you could handle. Never. So if you're reading this saying "fuck you, friend! Shit it TOO INTENSE!" Well doesn't that show just how much I believe you can handle?

I said I can be fickle ;)

But why else do you think I'm sending you this? Because this is where I come in! Do you know how much I love reminding you what a badass warrior you are? I LOOOOOOOOVE IT! Love it! Because one of my gifts of being in the sky is I get to see what you sometimes miss. That you can see in others but sometimes fail to see in yourself.

I know, human nature joins me in its fickleness :) 

Now when I say a badass warrior I'm not talking exclusively about getting shit done, being seen all the time, engaging in The Good Fight constantly. I mean, if you're in that space and have the energy, all the Aries power to ya! 

But remember our warrior friend Mars who's retrograde right now. He doesn't ask us of it often, only every two years or so, but he needs a rest. He works so damn hard for us (sometimes a little TOO hard) and deserves some slumber too.

So if you're feeling like you're pushing up against a brick wall or trying to start the car in fourth gear, that might be our dear friend saying "I'm fucking tiiiiiiiiiiiiired. Please, oh please let me rest a bit. I promise you after my nap I'll be at your service! And a BOSS at that!'

But back to the warrior. While external action is all fine and dandy (and usually praised above all else in your world, I've never understood that!), remember who you're talking to here. I'm the moon! Being a badass warrior is about being a warrior for yourself.

Honestly, being a warrior, a champion for yourself is all I really give a fuck about. That could be standing up to that dickwad who deserves it (I heard that shitty comment he made!), or eating ice cream in bed and l.o.v.i.n.g. every minute of it without an ounce of judgement because that's what your heart needs. 

Being a warrior, to me at least (Mars would have a much
different answer!), is knowing and remembering what you need to face the world some days. Remembering that you're YOU. 

Not that person on Instagram, not your best friend.
And that's why I love you so fucking much!
Because you're uniquely you, no one else.

So what if I gave you permission to not give a fuuuuck about what anyone else thinks?
Bam! Granted. Now how would you proceed? :) 

So sweetheart, I know shit's intense on both an external and internal scale. Whether it's dealing with the flames in someone else's eyes or the ones staring back at you in the mirror; sentiments of conflict, impatience, anger, criticism or just a nice, painful baseline of intensity, remember my gift that I try and remind you of each cycle. 

I am the moon. My energy starts to wane after today, things shift, situations change.
I'm not a fortune teller, I don't know what lies ahead for you. But what I do know is that you're fucking awesome. Whether you feel it or not these days, let me remind you with absolute certainty that you are. 

Whether you have all the creative fire and energy rushing through your veins or your daily warrior task is simply getting out of bed, both are worthy of you having your own constellation in the sky you're so fucking awesome. 

Ooooh, that's a fun game! What would your own unique constellation look like? Would it be the shape of your body? An object dear to you? A word written out? What would it be like to look up at the night sky and be reminded of who you are? 

Guess what? Me, and all the other beauties that grace the night sky, do that for you every night.
All you have to do is look up :)

Stay strong my sweet. Stay soft. Stay who you are, unapologetically so.
And just look up and let my glow warm you to the core, reminding you just how loved you always are. Exactly as you are. 

The Aries Full Moon 


Musings on the Taurus Full Moon


Musings on the Pisces Full Moon