Musings on the Aquarius New Moon (Jan 21 2023)

Welcome to the Aquarius new moon! 

Happening on Saturday at 3:53pm EST, this moon acts as a kickstart. 

With both Mercury and Mars out of their retrogrades, this new moon brings in a new energy, a new desire to look ahead.

It's a moon that can come with the unexpected; where shocks to the system and sudden revelations dance about.   

Helps us begin to dislodge what has become stuck or stagnant over the last months.

A reminder that movement is possible, momentum will return.

And yet still asks us to move slow. To move tenderly. To excavate what has been brewing underneath the surface for days/weeks/years and bring it gently into light. 

To check in on our nervous systems and hear what they're asking for. And to truly listen and respond. 

There can be an edginess to this moon; a buzziness, an ungroundedness. Thoughts and minds can swirl at warp speeds if left unchecked. If our nervous systems are perceived as an afterthought rather than our starting point. 

But it's also moon that wants us to remember the power and potential we all hold in unabashedly showing our true selves - our wacky, wild, eccentric, "too much" (never!), flighty, exhausted, less-than-perfect (which makes you totally perfect) selves. 

And how when we do, we find those people, our tribe, who say "thank god, I thought I was the only one!". 

Who lift you up when you've been smacked down. Who share their gifts and awesomeness when a soothing balm is needed. Who see you - all of you. And love you so deeply because of it.

It's a moon that reminds us of the liberation and freedom that come with having the courage to be exactly you. That five hr bath? Blasting show tunes till 2am? Draping yourself in velvet? Crying in every episode of that sitcom? I love it! 

We're asked to smash the box of preconceived notions of how you "should" be or act, and recognize that no one else can be, think, say, do like you do. 

To see your quirks as your greatest strengths. To see your eccentricities as the cornerstone of your being. To see your sensitivities as your superpower. 

And what a cosmic gift that is.

What a necessary gift that is. 

What a gift you are. 

Much love,
Xx Faye


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