Musings on the Aries New Moon
Well now! Where to begin this one... nothing super new to report, right? The world hasn't literally changed since my last musing, right?... OH WAIT. Apparently it can in a matter of weeks/days/breaths. It's so cool to write these musings and be forced to check in to where I was the last time I sat down to write. It seems almost unfathomable to picture my biggest anxiety two weeks ago being unwarranted texts from a guru haha!
This past Tuesday was the Aries new moon and it officially marks the beginning of the astrological new year. It signifies a fresh start, the beginnings of new growth, a burst of light appearing from the darkness. And how fitting as we all enter an unprecedented time in our lives, in the collective. And my beginning to this new year is why this musing is late. That and I can do whatever the fuck I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnt ;) Now THAT'S Aries for you haha!
For those of you I haven't had a chance to respond to yet, I am currently at my mum's farm... not Bali as was previously intended. My attempt to recount the two previous weeks would rival the length of War and Peace (originally called 'War - what is it good for" ;) ). Suffice it to say that it left me in such depletion that I put myself into my very own three day 'silent retreat' because it truly felt I had no other choice. My mum was gracious enough to grant me the space and understanding to not speak for three days. No screens, not even lights! I spent three days basically in my room/nest/cave, only surfacing periodically to eat, which I promptly brought back into my room. My mind was spinning out of control, it felt like I was trapped in a washing machine (now that sums up my personal Neptune transit that I'm currently in haha!). I truly felt I was in survival mode and I was desperate, even pleading, to just have my mind be quiet. So maybe, just maybe, I could start to process this curveball the world threw at us.
After three days that just by "chance" coincided with the new moon/year, I emerged anew. Still finding my feet, still moving slowly and gently at my own pace, but nonetheless feeling like an entirely different person than when I entered. I knew without a doubt that something had to change to help me through the state of intense anxiety, panic and fear I found myself in, and these three days were probably one of the most necessary gifts I have ever given myself.
But what its left me musing about (isn't it just fun to say that word? Or is that just me haha?!) is how we collectively go forward, not only in this astrological new year but in this new world. While a three day silent retreat off all communications and news during a global pandemic would be unfathomable and some people's worst nightmare, it was what I needed more than anything. And its left me with a greater sense of compassion and understanding just how individual our journeys are right now as we attempt to process what we've never had to before. Like I wrote about on my website, what works for someone, may not work for you. What works for you one day, may not the next. But what can be continuous is the compassion and understanding we all grant each other as we manoeuvre our way through uncharted waters. That how we respond, how we process, is as individual to us as our astrological chart.
So as we emerge in this new year, this new world, we get to choose how we show up for ourselves and others. We get to examine what are own personal needs are for helping us through these unknown, uncertain times. And to prioritize them. Whatever they may be! It's not news to most that I need space and quiet on my own when I've got myself into quite the pickle (what a weird phrase..). That's me! And I love myself for that. For others they feel most comforted being in frequent communication with loved ones. Others are baking goods to bring to the homeless in town. And others need to feel the continual comfort of Ru Paul's Drag Race and the remembrance of fun and frivolity. All are amazing. All are perfect.
So while at times it may be challenging to remember that we are all handling these times differently, what I hope we can all bring into this new year is the understanding and respect to grant each other the space to do whatever they need to do to go forward right now. Without judgement. Hell, without even understanding why! But only needing to know that that is what that individual needs right now. And to trust that they are giving you the exact same respect and understanding in return <3
By being true to ourselves (in true Aries fashion), we have no idea how far reaching those effects can be. When a friend texted me that he had spent the morning writing and it made them think of me, my heart swelled. When I found a note from my mum during my silent retreat that she was taking 24hrs off communications, a huge smile crept over my face thinking that maybe my actions had allowed her the space to do what she needed to do. This is the time more than ever to lead by example. When I look at the list of people I send this musing to, I am overwhelmed with how incredible each one of you are, that if we can bring our unique selves and gifts into the world right now (and if you don't know what yours are, I would be HAPPY to tell you!!), we will start this new beginning on the best foot possible. We can be the people who bring compassion and understanding to each other, to strangers. Not the people stealing toilet paper from the local coffee shop (TRUE STORY).
We are all in this together. I love you all, like, THE MOST. The mostest.
Xx Faye