November Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the November Forecast!
Through the eclipse portal, we start November off with a hefty dose of Scorpio energy - think underworld journeys, an intensity of feelings, of going deep and down - before the energies of Sagittarius lift us back out to bring meaning to all that we’ve excavated through exploring the depths within. We have Mars and the Sun dancing closely for much of the second half of the month - think intense passions, forward action, and a burning fire within. Whether that fuels you or singes you is how you choose to work with that energy. Here are some of the most significant dates to work with this month. Enjoy!
Friday Nov 3 - Sun in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus
Today our inner workings may gain more traction, more attention, more urgency. Our sensitivities and tender spots a little more exposed. Our inner world explorations a little more alluring. Dances with our own, and maybe others, shadows being brought to light. It's a day to dance between going deep and remembering why you do. And how soothing bringing in beauty and those little things that bring you pleasure can be if you’re getting stuck in the dark.
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Today brings an air of dreaminess, a longing to be whisked away, a desire to cocoon oneself in what makes you feel safe. It's a day that wants fantasy mixed with making it real, with separating confusion from disillusionment. It's a day that may feel foggy - but whether that fog is rose-coloured or a dark grey is up to you.
Saturday Nov 4 - Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
Intense deep dives, the conversations you’ve been avoiding, and unexpected jolts may all be par for the course today. It's a day that may bring an urgency to say the things you've been wanting to say. To have the conversations that awaken something within you. To hear the words you've been needing to hear - even if you might not actually want to. It's a day that can come with a sting, with a suddenness, but ultimately with an uncovering of what may finally be ready to come to the surface.
Saturn stations direct
Saturn stations direct and we begin to feel a forward momentum to the areas of our life that may have felt on pause. A little stuck. We reclaim our inner authority of taking ownership of what we want to change in our lives. What we are working towards. And we remind ourselves that sometimes hard work is simply a reality, but our perseverance and courage to meet it reminds us of how strong we truly are.
Wed Nov 8 - Venus enters Libra
Venus enters her home sign of Libra and wants us to grace our days with more beauty, more ease, more connection. Wants us to make space for the people, places and things that nourish us. That bring us infinite joy. That make us laugh and giggle. Here Venus reminds us that each one of us gets to define beauty - whether that be adorning yourself in your sparkling sequin dress, of walking in the rain with a dear friend, of listening to that piano song that makes you weep, of roaming endless galleries. Whatever it is, don't discount how healing bringing beauty into your world can be. Especially in times when the world can feel so dark.
Friday Nov 10th - Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury enters Sagittarius and we grab the microphone for all to hear our insights and adventures. Here Mercury wants us to broadcast ourselves loud and clear from the mountain top. Wants us to philosophise about the world to help us understand it. Wants us to share our findings to bring perspective to others who may be needed it. It’s a time to put saying what you need to say upfront and centre.
Saturday Nov 11th - Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
Agitation, outbursts, impatience and bursting through anything that has been stuck for way too long - all possibilities today as our inner warrior may feel so damn uncomfortable that it acts as a catalyst for sudden change. It forces us to break through limiting beliefs with an urgency. It wants us to show up for ourselves in an entirely new way. There's the possibility for tempers to flare and irritability to abound. So fight for what's right, be the revolutionary for your own life. And stay out of the crossfire.
Monday Nov 13th - Scorpio new moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Saturday Nov 18th - Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio
Having sidled up together for most of the last week, the Sun and Mars meet exactly in the sky today to bring an extra oomph to our workings. An extra fire to our days - whether through a burning passion or an impatience like no other. Here we're asked to make sure our will, what it is we're actually working towards, is in alignment with what it is we actually want. It's a day that can feel a bit edgy, a bit tender (if we're on the receiving end of someone else's sting). Or wildly illuminating for what it is you truly desire - and a clearer way on how to get there.
Wed Nov 22 - Sun enters Sagittarius
The sun enters Sag and we stop excavating our own depths in favour of making meaning of all that we discovered down there (if anything). We remember that life can get dark - but it's not for nothing. It's to return to the topside world and share our findings with others who may need our insights. It's to remember that there is a great expanse that lies ahead of us -when we broaden our horizons and remember that there's so much more to life than what's directly in front of us. It's a time to let the fiery flames burn bright within - party hop for the first time in a decade, philosophize with those that intrigue you, return the light to what may have been cloaked in darkness. Have a bit of frivolous fun, and remember that's just as part of life as the daily grind.
Thursday Nov 23 - Sun in Sag square Saturn in Pisces
Today has feeling of being pushed up against our edges. Of wanting to break free of a container that feels too small. Too constricted. Too... unaligned with who you are in this moment. It's a day that has our inner critic, our worrywart, talking just a little bit louder. But that sure as hell doesn't mean you have to listen! It's a day where we confront our current reality - and take a hard, long look at what is being asked of us. It may feel a little burdensome, a little heavy - but it absolutely holds the key to reclaiming our own autonomy. If we have the tenacity to meet what is, as it is.
Friday Nov 24 - Mars enters Sagittarius
Mars enters Sag and we begin to prioritize the actions that make us feel free. That expands our worlds, that fills us with the fuel to reach our loftiest dreams. Here Mars wants us to put our willpower behind what makes our eyes light up, behind dreaming our biggest dreams. It's a time to let your wild side play, to fight for the Truth, to explode onto the scene if that is what is bubbling within. Now's the time!
Saturday Nov 25 - Mars in Sag squares Saturn in Pisces
Back together again, Mars and Saturn find themselves in a tense dance, making it feel like we have the will to forge ahead on the wide-open unknown path - until immediately met with a barricade. A start-stop motion that can feel aggravating to the parts of ourselves that it. It's a day that requires patience and perseverance. Of smashing the constraints (that could be entirely mental) that make you doubt yourself. Make you feel trapped. And it's a day that asks us to take any edginess, any uncomfortable feelings, and use them as a catalyst to expand our containers. Or - burn them down entirely and rebuild again.
Monday Nov 27th - Gemini Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Have a great month!
Xx Faye