August Astrology Forecast
Welcome to the August Astrology Forecast!
Bookended by two full moons, this is a month full of powerful shifts and changes - and a deep slowing down when we enter a double retrograde period towards the end of the month. There’s a potent, unpredictable new moon mid-month, and Uranus, the planet of disruption; of chaos and the visionary; of flash insights and sudden breakthroughs/downs - leaves his markings over this month. Venus disappears from the night sky and opens the doors to the underworld - before renewed from her journey below. Here are some of the most significant days to work with over the next month. Enjoy!
Tuesday Aug 1st - Aquarius Full Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Sunday Aug 6th* - Venus disappears from the sky
While Venus has been steadily moving towards the horizon, now she enters the underworld - and we may encounter our own underworld journeys (if we haven't already done so). Flare ups and eruptions; self-doubt and frustrations - all par for the course. But this is the juicy portal where we truly get to transform if we're willing to meet all aspects of ourselves honestly.
Wed August 9th - Venus Retrograde in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Today shakes things up and disrupts what's been keeping us complacent. Highlights with a ferocity what needs to shift, to change, to transform. There can feel an intense agitation for everything to change now, to burn it all to the ground. To no longer have the patience to maintain what has been making you feel 'blah' for a little too long. Meet the restlessness, meet the desire for change with openness and see it as the medicine you didn't even know you needed.
Sun August 13th - Venus Retrograde in Leo conjunct Sun in Leo
A turning point in the Venus retrograde cycle, today she meets up with the sun to clarify and illuminate aspects of our retrograde journey. To fill our heart and soul with the exciting possibilities and potentials that lie ahead of us. To shine a shimmering light on those who have been walking in their underworlds. Today brings a grace and reminds us of the powerful transformations occuring in our lives - and that anything we put our heart and joy behind can flourish wildly. So plant those joyful seeds!
Tues August 15th - Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Bring on the tension! The restlessness, the desire to expand out of your too small container. And wanting it to happen now. Today can bring an element of chaos, of feeling impatient of where we are in our life's journey. Of questioning if we are able to be accepted for exactly the way we are, freak flags and weirdos and all. It's a day asking to use any tension or explosive energy to foster what we really care about in our lives. And to dismantle all we don't.
Wed August 16th - Leo New Moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Sat August 19th* - Venus emerges as a morning star
Venus reemerges after her underworld descent as a bright morning star. Gracing us with the excitement and potential of the changes that lies before us, of integrating any lessons or experiences we had while she descending below the waking eye. Still in her retrograde for another two weeks, now we begin our slow ascent back to the topside world, shining and share our gifts and insights from walking the terrain below.
Tues August 22nd - Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
We know exactly what we want - until we don't. We want to get down to business - until we collapse in exhaustion. We want to forge ahead meticulously - until we'd rather escape into fantasy. Today has the potential to bring hints of confusion, sprinkles of doubt, and a whole lot of dreaminess. We may feel more uncertainty to what we've been working steadfast towards. We may feel waves of excitement towards where we want to direct our energy. But if your inner warrior is craving rest and restoration - listen! It will always serve you better in the long run.
Wed August 23rd - Sun enters Virgo
The Sun enters Virgo and we shift our focus to the mechanics of our lives. To see what is supporting us - and what isn't. Whether that be our health practices, our work-life balance, or procrastination finally asking for your attention. While in Virgo, we want to get down to work. To the nitty gritty that needs to be taken care of. To prioritizing what makes us feel our best. Send out those overdue invoices, organizing that overflowing email list, meticulously clean your apartment. Now's the time to take care of the details and have that sweet satisfaction of crossing off your to-do list.
Mercury in Virgo stations Retrograde
And we're back! Mercury joins Venus and we enter a double retrograde period. Time to remember to bring a hefty dose of laughter and patience to the things that inevitably go arry! Time to get comfy and cozy with your relationship to slowing down. Time to learn the skill of reflection. With double retrograde periods, your egoic timeline might not coincide with the cosmic one. So practice the lost art of simply being. Of reflecting so you can redirect your energy. Of remembering that productivity isn't always the measure of success no matter how much we've been brainwashed to think so.
Sun August 27th - Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Today our inner (or outer) taskmaster comes a-knocking. Comes with a magnifying glass to assess what it is we're really doing. And are we doing it the way it 'should' be done? There can feel a heaviness to this combo, a constriction that seems to bind us, holding us captive. We may feel fear mixed with self-doubt. A desire to forge ahead mixed with a voice telling us not to bother. And - an opportunity to claim our own mastery by standing up against that voice. To say 'enough is enough', feel the fear - and do it anyway.
Mars enters Libra
Mars enters Libra and our warrior takes a stand towards what we really value. Wants to fight for what makes us feel in balance, wants to stand up towards the injustices that surround us. Here our inner warrior reminds us that brashness isn't always the most effective route. That compassion can be the antidote against aggression. Here we get the opportunity to embrace our gentle warrior - and show the world how powerful it can be!
Wed August 30th - Pisces Full moon - stay tuned for the moon musing!
Have a great month!
Xx Faye
* - the exact date may depend on your horizon line