Synastry Sessions

To help both people understand the kind of energy that is at work in the relationship, and what it is bringing out of both of them, and what each of them needs from the other.” - Juliet Sharman-Burke

What would it be like to understand how your partner communicates? Or what fills them with pleasure? Soothes them when they’re upset? For partnerships** wanting to explore and use astrology to understand their relationship from a broader perspective, this is for you!

Synastry readings use the astrology of both people’s natal charts to help understand their relationship from a broader perspective. It helps give a glimpse into the dynamics of the relationship - what makes them tick, where the ease is, and where the challenges may lie. This isn’t a “are they my soulmate?” type of inquiry. This is for partnerships who are wanting to deepen their relationship, explore their challenges and celebrate their connection.

Pricing system:

1hr session - $120 (CAN)

Package of 3 x 1hr sessions - $330 (CAN) [$110/session, valid for six months]

Extended Deep Dive 1.5hrs - $160 (CAN)

Sessions are currently only available through Zoom. Sessions are recorded and a copy of the synastry chart is emailed to you after the session. *Please note: while both parties do not have to be present for the session, I do require prior consent from both parties!*

**This isn't limited to romantic partnerships, this is for anyone in any form of partnership, including business, parent/child, etc.**