Yin Yoga Therapy


What is Yin Yoga Therapy?

There are times when healing occurs through words, and there are times when healing occurs through the absence of words. You may have experienced moments of what I refer to as “mind-trapped” - caught in a loop, replaying the same stories, the same emotions. No matter how much you talk about something, you’re still.. stuck. That’s when I turn to the body. To slow down. To tune in. To become quiet. In a world that prioritizes and glorifies always ‘doing’, yin yoga provides us the essential opportunity to just be - be in stillness, be with the sensations in your body, be with your breath, your thoughts.

Traditional Yin Yoga is the lovechild between three ancient wisdom traditions - Hatha Yoga, Buddhist Mindfulness and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Through yin specific yoga poses that are held between 3 - 7 minutes, the connective tissue (fascia) in the body is able to unwind, allowing for more fluid to reach your joints and ligaments, increasing mobility and flexibility. TCM works with the principle that specific emotions are stored in certain areas of that connective tissue, so by accessing these areas through yin yoga postures it allows us to work with, and release, these emotions through the body. Going through a breakup? There’s a pose for that. Feeling angry towards your boss? Anxious about the future? Want to feel more content in your daily life? There are poses to support you!

What Do We Focus On in the Session?

Prior to our initial session, an in-depth questionnaire will be provided to you to assess primary areas you would like to focus on, whether emotional or physical. Based on your answers, a customized program will be designed for you and the session will consist of guided poses to best support you. Going forward, an optional short questionnaire is emailed to you before each session to assess what current areas of your life (and body) you want to focus on. Based on your answers, an up-to-date personalized session is created to best support you in this moment. If you opt out of answering the session specific questionnaire, no problem! A session will be designed for you based on your initial assessment. 

Private sessions are 90 minutes for $120 (CAN) and are held in Toronto, Canada. If you are interested in having the sessions in the comfort of your own home, please contact me for further details.

**New and Exciting!** - Want a yin yoga therapy session but can’t commit to a time with your busy schedule? Travelling but still want to keep your practice going? Now offering recorded sessions you can access whenever is convenient for you! You are guided through a personalised video-recorded session that understands life can get hectic - so let me meet you where you’re at. Wherever you are. 

Certified Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher with specializations in Yin Yoga Therapy, Women’s Self-Care and Hatha Yoga.