Astrological Counselling


What is Astrology?

The ancient wisdom tradition of astrology uses the unique energetic attributes (or archetypes) of planets, asteroids, signs and houses as a celestial guide to examining patterns and themes in one’s life. Each person has a unique birth chart based on the moment of their birth, and with that is given an incredible opportunity to examine aspects of their personality based on where these energies manifest in the chart. The birth chart is an opportunity to see the multifaceted nature of our personalities, allowing us to see both the conscious and unconscious patterns and themes that play out in our lives. By having knowledge of these (sometimes challenging) patterns and themes, we are able to work with them to best support us in our lives. 

What is Astrological Counselling? 

What if you knew there was a part of your chart that helped explained your natural gift of networking? Or why you can be plagued by indecision more than others? Or why feelings of jealousy and resentment seem to only appear in work situations? When we have knowledge of something we can become an active participant in how it manifests in our lives, giving us a choice in how we act and respond. And with choice comes empowerment.  

Astrological counselling is an opportunity to explore and examine these living energy patterns and themes that are unique to you. It is an opportunity to find meaning and relevance in times of chaos by examining the current movement (transits) of planets and asteroids and their impact in your life. It is also an opportunity to begin to actively work with these various aspects of your chart - whether focusing on your natural gifts and how to share them with the world, or examining the more challenging aspects of ourselves and how to work with these traits, acknowledging them as just as valuable to who we are. By discussing what is going on in your life, or where you may need more support, we examine your chart to activate and awaken these astrological energies, releasing an enormous amount of power to best support you. Unlike a wide misconception that astrology is ‘fortune telling’, astrological counselling provides practical guidance and tools to best serve your unique self. When we are able to see all aspects of ourselves, we then become empowered to accept ourselves fully for who we truly are. 

Pricing system:

1hr session - $120 (CAN)

Package of 3 x 1hr sessions - $330 (CAN) [$110/session, valid for six months]

Extended Deep Dive 1.5hrs - $160 (CAN)

Sessions are currently only available through Zoom. The session is recorded and a copy is sent to you afterwards, along with your natal chart and current transits.