
About Me

A seeker of meaning and magic, much of my life has been inspired and directed by believing that something more exists. Something more than the flat feeling I felt for many years behind a desk. Something more than the daily headaches I assumed were just my fate. Something more than just the visible world we are led to believe is the only world that exists. Like many people, this burning passion and desire for more led me on a whirlwind journey of self discovery. Sometimes challenging, often confusing, always interesting, what I have come to believe wholeheartedly is that you can only share what you know, what you’ve experienced. I have experienced calmness and peace through the body (yin yoga) in times of great turmoil. I have found meaning in tumultuous chaos through the guidance of the stars above (astrology). And in times when it felt like nothing could soothe me, I have been brought back to myself through the powerful act of a listening touch (energetic bodywork). Because of my direct experience with these alternative therapies, and subsequent studies in Canada and Bali, I believe passionately in their ability to heal, support, and empower. They have become important tools in my daily life that often require various means of support. I feel empowered when I am able to listen to myself deeply enough and choose what type of therapy will best serve me. Not what I think I “should” be doing, but actually working with my natural rhythms and the ebb and flow of my energy levels. Above all else, these alternative therapies have supported me in accepting the beautifully complex, multidimensional entirety of who I am. And it is my deepest hope that they will guide you to do the same.