Welcome to an Alternative World.

Customized for You.


I believe that we are ever-changing, ever-evolving beings. What works for us one day, may not the next. What works for someone else, may not work for you. The space for healing and empowerment begins when we work with our natural rhythms, rather than resisting them. I believe in providing you the opportunity to choose what will best support you in this moment - whether through words (astrological counselling), the body (yin yoga therapy), or stillness (energetic bodywork). I believe above all in honouring all the beautiful, multifaceted, complex dimensions of who you are.

So let me meet you where you’re at. Exactly as you are. Welcome to an alternative world for the mind, body and soul. Customized for you.


Astrological Services

The ancient wisdom tradition of astrology uses the unique energetic attributes (or archetypes) of planets, asteroids, signs and houses as a celestial guide to examining patterns and themes in one’s life. Each person has a unique birth chart based on the moment of their birth, and with that is given an incredible opportunity to examine aspects of their personality based on where these energies manifest in the chart…

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Yin Yoga Therapy

In a world that prioritizes and glorifies always ‘doing’, yin yoga provides us the essential opportunity to just be - be in stillness, be with the sensations in your body, be with your breath, your thoughts. Traditional Yin Yoga is the lovechild between three ancient wisdom traditions - hatha yoga, Buddhist Mindfulness and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)…

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Energetic Bodywork

Energetic bodywork is a subtle, non-invasive touch therapy that is built upon the notion that we all have an ‘inner physician’ inside of us that knows exactly what we need to support ourselves for optimal health. However the noise of the hustle and bustle of our daily lives have made it increasingly difficult to truly hear what our bodies are trying to tell us…

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